Last Minute: Flash Ukraine decision from the European Union Commission

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Breaking news: A flash decision came from the European Union Commission. The Commission expressed its opinion that Ukraine, which is expected to join the EU, should be given the status of “candidate country”.


Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission, announced the opinion of the Commission on the candidacy applications of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia at the press conference she held in Brussels.

Von der Leyen stated that the views on granting the status of “candidate country” were taken on the basis of the Copenhagen criteria and “on the basis of merit”, and reminded that these countries have many reforms to be made.

While speaking about Ukraine, von der Leyen emphasized reforms in areas such as the rule of law, the judiciary, the fight against corruption, “oligarchization” and fundamental rights in the country.

Von der Leyen said, “Ukraine deserves the EU perspective, to be a candidate country. A lot of work has been done, but there is still a lot of work to be done.” said.

Reminding that Ukraine started to progress towards EU candidacy before the war, von der Leyen said that the country has already implemented about 70 percent of the EU acquis and that it complies with European standards and values.


Von dleren wanted Moldova to be given the status of “candidate country” like Ukraine.

Stating that Moldova has a lot of work to do in areas such as economy and public administration, von der Leyen said that the country has taken important steps for reforms in the recent past, but that it needs to sign a series of important reforms in the future.

“We believe Moldova has the potential to meet the requirements, given that the country’s leaders are moving in this direction,” von der Leyen said. he said.


The EU Commission’s view on Georgia’s candidacy application differed from that of Ukraine and Moldova.

Von der Leyen, who wanted Georgia to be given an EU perspective, recommended that the evaluation of this country’s “candidate country” status should be made later.

“The country must now come together politically to define a definitive path for structural reforms and the EU path,” von der Leyen said. used the phrase.


The opinion of the EU Commission will be presented to the EU Council, which is formed by the member states, at the EU Leaders Summit to be held on 23-24 June. All member states will need to approve in order for candidate country status to be granted.

Ukraine submitted its candidacy application to the EU on February 28, 2022, and Moldova and Georgia on March 3, 2022. The European Council had invited the EU Commission to present its opinion on 7 March.

Candidate status is the first step in a country’s long-term EU accession process. After a country is granted candidate status, accession negotiations begin in the following stages, provided that the conditions are met.

Source: AA
