she is aiming for a personal victory and 100 deputies in the Assembly

she is aiming for a personal victory and 100 deputies

THE PEN. Marine Le Pen has almost assured a victory in the 2nd round of legislative elections in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, but the leader of the RN is targeting a group of 100 deputies to deprive Macron of a majority and Mélenchon of Matignon.

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[Mis à jour le 15 juin 2022 à 14h42] “The National Rally is the first party in France”. This is Marine Le Pen’s key argument in this campaign between the two rounds of the legislative elections. The candidate can rely on her own score (53.96%) heralding a victory traced in Pas-de-Calais against the candidate of Nupes, Marine Tondelier, but she sees beyond the borders of her constituency. With 11,300 municipalities conquered out of more than 35,000, 200 deputies qualified in the second round, including 108 who came first, listed the leader on France 2 on the evening of June 14, the RN shows the strongest increase since the 2017 election: more than 18.7% of the vote or 1.3 million voters. Marine Le Pen added that the party was “the only one in dynamics” by pressing the stagnation in the number of votes granted to the left united under the banner of Nupes and to the presidential majority.

If she prides herself on being at the head of the first party in France, Marine Le Pen cannot ignore the third position of the RN behind the Nupes-Ensemble duel! But here again, the legislative candidate has prepared her defense: the RN is advancing alone and in its name when facing it the left and the presidential majority are advancing in a coalition of several parties. No doubt, the nationalist holds to this title of first political formation and for good reason, according to her, this status legitimizes the presence of a “powerful group” of the RN in the National Assembly. The leader of the far right hopes, given the scores of the first round, to be able to send “100 deputies or more” to the Bourbon palace. By reaching the goal, Marine Le Pen could participate in depriving Emmanuel Macron of an absolute majority and Jean-Luc Mélenchon of Matignon.

Marine Le Pen alone against Nupes et Ensemble!

Marine Le Pen’s objectives have been revised upwards since the end of the campaign for the first round of the legislative elections, but competition is fierce against the coalition of the left and that of the presidential majority, which have imposed themselves in the lead with eight points. advance. To reverse the trend, the leader of the National Rally presents the far right as the only alternative against “Emmanuel Macron [qui] is the deconstructor from above and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the deconstructor from below”. And the MP for Pas-de-Calais added: “I think that Together! and the Nupes are movements that will not respond to the fundamental problems of the French”, at the 20 Hours of France 2 June 14. But the attacks that politics multiplied before the first round of legislative elections on its opponents and their program, follow the defense and promotion of the RN. “It is fundamental that the RN has a powerful group in the Assembly otherwise the problems of immigration, insecurity and Islamism will disappear”, defends the frontist before slipping again a spade at the false opponent Nupes to Emmanuel Macron according to Le Pen’s daughter: “We need a real opposition because Jean-Luc Mélenchon who calls himself an opponent of Macron helped to get him elected [à la présidentielle]. Whether [l’insoumis] had not called to vote Macron, he would not have been elected. When we get someone elected, we are not the opponent”. After such a speech, Marine Le Pen advocates the blank vote in all the constituencies which are preparing a duel Nupes – Together! in the second round of the legislative elections.

Opposite, the Nupes and Together! hold the same speech and the two coalitions exclude the RN vote in the second round, like Alexandrine Pintus, unsuccessful candidate for the presidential majority against Marine Le Pen who indicated in a communicated on the evening of June 12 than in his constituency: “The choice is between the extremes and the blank vote”. Since the start of the campaign between two rounds, the executive through the voice of its spokesperson, Olivia Grégoire, or its Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, hammers: “Not a voice at the National Rally”. Calls likely to influence the vote carryover of the voters of Ensemble! and to curb Marine Le Pen’s ambition to be re-elected and to form a strong group in the hemicycle.

What result can Marine Le Pen hope to have in the legislative elections?

In Hénin-Beaumont and in the 11th district of Pas-de-Calais, Marine Le Pen is on conquered ground. The candidate is calm about her potential victory in the legislative elections. Marine Le Pen obtained 53.96% of the votes at the end of the first round this Sunday, June 12, 2022. Despite everything, this figure would not be enough to ensure victory in one round. She faces in this constituency the candidate of Nupes, Marine Tondelier (23.43%), and that of the presidential majority, Alexandrine Pintus (12.32%). These figures confirm the results of Marine Le Pen during the last elections in her stronghold. In the first round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen obtained 45.1% of the vote with 25 points ahead of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and 28 over Emmanuel Macron in his constituency. She also won the second round with 63.4% of the vote.

Marine Le Pen, candidate for the 2022 legislative elections

If she took the time to announce it, Marine Le Pen is officially a candidate in the legislative elections and is seeking a second term in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, that of her stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont. It was first Jordan Berdella who affirmed the candidacy of the leader of the National Rally during a trip to Fréjus on April 28. A few days later, the confirmation came from the main interested party.

Marine Le Pen, who put forward the argument of the grassroots campaign and proximity to the French during the presidential campaign, could not give up her role as MP for Pas-de-Calais. Above all, after her defeat in the presidential election, she could not deprive herself of the last means at her disposal to weigh in national politics: a seat and an RN group in the National Assembly. The politician therefore hopes to obtain a sufficiently powerful group within the hemicycle to block certain reforms by Emmanuel Macron. At a meeting in Hénin-Beaumont on June 5, Marine Le Pen dangled the possibility of obtaining more than a hundred RN deputies: “Potentially, if all our voters come to defend our ideas, we will be able to send between 100 and 150 deputies to the next assembly”. A scenario which is based on the good results of the presidential candidate, “we gathered 50% of the voices in more than 150 constituencies and 55% of the votes in more than 90 constituencies”.

Did Marine Le Pen miss her campaign?

Marine Le Pen and more broadly the National Rally missed out on their campaign before the first round of the legislative elections. The deputy claims to have carried out a field campaign “soberly but seriously”, only it was only two weeks before the election that the far right passed the second. And the week before the vote in particular. Between June 8 and 11, Marine Le Pen chained trips and speeches in the Loiret, in Perpignan, in the Hérault and finally in Hénin-Beaumont in the Pas-de-Calais. The northern commune also hosted the candidate’s only campaign rally on June 5.

With the approach of the second round Marine Le Pen does not want to repeat the same errors and very quickly returned to the campaign. Another lesson learned the hard way before the first ballot: set ambitious goals. Marine Le Pen is aiming for the election of a hundred deputies, i.e. a victory for the RN in half of the constituencies where the party is still in the race. At the start of the campaign, the situation was not the same since Marine Le Pen first aimed for the simple constitution of a group of 15 deputies, before considering the formation of a full-fledged group with 60 elected officials. going so far as to attempt everything five days before the election by evoking a group of 150 deputies in the Assembly. A very unlikely scenario from the start. This lack of ambition or even this defeatism and the absence of the candidate during the first weeks of the campaign were seen as signs of weakness but above all as a very bad strategy. Especially since once in the campaign, Marine Le Pen has multiplied the attacks against the left-wing coalition compared to a “generalized ZAD” and the presidential majority. A tactic visibly resumed for before the second round.

What is Marine Le Pen’s program for the legislative elections?

Marine Le Pen takes the same line as that defended during the presidential campaign. The proposals and subjects that she and the other candidates of the RN intend to bring to the National Assembly are modeled on the presidential program of the far right. And, as during the presidential campaign, one of the subjects that comes up most often a few days before the vote in the legislative elections is purchasing power, at the heart of the news when inflation has climbed by five points, for which Marine Le Pen defends a reduction or even an abolition of VAT and shoots down the temporary aid and the energy or food checks put in place by the Head of State. A law for the purchasing power must precisely be voted at the end of June at the end of the legislative according to the announcements of the government. Retirement is also a point of friction between the LREM group and allies and that of the RN because if the first defends the reform of the pension and the postponement of the age to 64 or 65 years, the second militates for a progressive system allowing the retirement between 60 and 62 for long careers and later depending on the age of entry into working life.
