dates, coefficients, sample questions… Key information

dates coefficients sample questions Key information

GREAT ORAL. New key test of the 2022 version baccalaureate, the grand oral takes place on dates straddling June and July. What does the grand oral consist of? Coefficients, examples of questions and essential information… tells you more.

[Mis à jour le 15 juin 2022 à 17h00] “The Great Oral”… The name of this new bac test still sounds rather unknown, and questions are swirling about it in the minds of many students and just as many parents. Let’s start with the date: candidates for the general and technological baccalaureate pass the oral examination on a different date depending on the establishments and academies concerned. However, the calendar assigns a very specific given period to the oral presentation: from Monday June 20 to Friday July 1, 2022.

This “grand oral” aims to assess students’ knowledge but also their mastery ofexpression oral and their ability to construct a reflection. In summary, the high school student must be able to argue about the knowledge acquired during his school career. In particular, the student must explain how the specialty course(s) he has followed has / have influenced his plan to pursue his studies. Also note: if this oral includes a presentation phase, there remains in the first place an exchange with the jury. The latter seeks to learn more about the candidate’s orientation project while testing the solidity of his knowledge. In concrete terms, two main compulsory questions are addressed during the grand oral. In the general stream, the questions relate to the specialist courses pursued in terminale. In the technological track, the questions relate to specialty education on which an in-depth study has been carried out.

Course of the test, coefficient, evaluation criteria, layout of the interview, examples of questions or even results of the grand oral test… Do you want to go to your grand oral better armed? Browse this special paper “grand oral bac 2022”!

For the grand oral of the 2022 baccalaureate, the candidates will be summoned individually for forty minutes. First, the candidate submits to the jury, on a sheet signed by the specialty teachers, the statement of two questions. The choice of question is up to the jury. Once the question is in hand, the candidate will have a preparation time of twenty minutes to work out their answer. During this period, he may, if he wishes, produce a support (map, graph, diagram) to support his statement, which he will give to the jury on a sheet provided on the day of the examination.

These 20 minutes have passed, time for the presentation. Lasting 5 minutes, it allows the candidate to explain the motivations that led him to choose this question, then presents the answer he has developed. Once this short presentation has been completed, a 10-minute discussion is scheduled between the candidate and the jury. It is not a question of a simple interrogation of knowledge; conversely, it is an opportunity to clarify and deepen his thoughts: this exchange can allow the candidate to clarify what he has briefly presented. Indeed, whether you have the impression of having succeeded in your presentation or not, this exchange is an opportunity to provide additional information about it, and show your ability to listen, dialogue, explain and argue. Finally, the test ends with 5 minutes of description by the candidate of his orientation project and discussion with the jury on this project.

This one-year-old test is the one that most values ​​the oral skills and expression of baccalaureate candidates, with a coefficient 10 for the general stream, which is the most important after the specialty tests, all marked with a coefficient of 16. The grand oral is therefore an opportunity to accumulate a lot of points to obtain the diploma or obtain a mention. In technological courses, the opportunity to score points is all the greater when the coefficient of the test increases to 14.

The grade for the grand oral is based both on the knowledge provided during the presentation and on the general expression of the candidate. Marked out of 20 points, it represents 10% of the final baccalaureate mark for the general route and 14% for the technological route. The jury will examine above all the candidate’s knowledge, but also his ability to argue and connect knowledge, his critical spirit, the precision of his expression, the clarity of his words, his commitment in his word, his strength of conviction. The points can be submitted to the appreciation of each teacher according to different and more or less demanding criteria. If this framework may appear to be fluctuating, the Ministry of Education and several rectors of academies nevertheless wanted to recall that the principle of benevolence prevailed for this still new test (since it is only its second edition). The ministry added details: “this oral allows the candidate to show his ability to speak in public in a clear and convincing way, to put the knowledge he has acquired, particularly in his specialty teaching, at the service of an argument, and to show how this knowledge has nourished his plan to continue his studies, or even his professional project”.

The 1st time of the event, that of the presentation, is not subject to development this year. But the 2nd time allows you to benefit from it! After the candidate’s presentation, there is indeed a ten-minute discussion between the jury and the high school student. The discussion revolves around the questions prepared by the student and the members of the jury are free to ask for clarification. This step must show the candidate’s ability to elaborate on the points of his argument, to hold a clear speech and to demonstrate his critical sense. Like last year, it was decided that the candidate could “use a support, such as a table, to illustrate or explain his remarks” during the time of exchange, as specified on the website of the Ministry of Education. .

The composition of the Grand Oral Jury

The jury is made up of 2 teachers: a teacher from one of your specialties (or a teacher from the specialty in your series for the technological track) and a teacher from another specialty or from one of the common courses, or a teacher-librarian. This jury will have to “pay attention to the solidity of knowledge, the ability to argue and to link knowledge, the expression and clarity of the subject, the commitment to speaking, the strength of conviction and the way of expressing a personal reflection, as well as the motivations of the candidate”, according to the Ministry of National Education.

As a candidate, you will not be informed of the composition of the jury in advance. All you will know is that one of the two members of the jury teaches in one of the specialties on which the questions that are the subject of the test are based. How to build his statement according to the jury? You have to develop a response that allows you to address both a specialist in the subject treated and, potentially, an interlocutor who is not a specialist in the question. In the eyes of the jury, the quality of your presentation lies in particular in your ability to reformulate slightly technical passages and to simply explain your thoughts.

According to website dedicated to Thotis studentshere are examples of questions formulated according to the specialties during the grand oral test:

In Ses (Economic and Social Sciences):

  • “Are ecology and economy compatible?”
  • “How can we reduce the public deficit?”

In geopolitics

  • “Should humanitarian aid supersede the sovereignty of a country?”
  • “Is humanitarian aid support for the regimes in place? – the example of Afghanistan”
  • “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an impossible peace?”

In mathematics

  • “How to explain that, in a group of 23 people, there is more than one chance in two that at least two of them were born on the same day?”
  • “Why are pollsters wrong all the time?”


  • “Can we grow potatoes on Mars?”
  • “Is it true that if we painted all the roofs and roads white, we would lower the temperature of the Earth?”

In Arts

  • “What ethical questions can the art recovered from the colonies raise?”
  • “Should works of art or objects in museums be returned to their countries of origin?”

A priori, the results of the grand oral test will be available on July 5, 2022, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and specialty tests). The coefficient according to the sector and the date of passing the oral early does not influence the publication of the results. The grade for the grand oral will also be available on the detail of the candidate’s transcript. The transcript of marks must be issued to the candidate by the school in which he is registered.
