which 2022 winner? The final live

which 2022 winner The final live

TOP CHEF 2022. This Wednesday, June 15, 2022, the final of Top Chef is broadcast on M6 at 9:10 p.m. The last two candidates, Louise and Arnaud, compete to win the culinary competition.

The essential

  • It’s the final of Top Chef this Wednesday, June 15 on M6 at 9:10 p.m. Season 13 will know its outcome and we will know who of Louise or Arnaud wins.
  • The last two survivors are Louise Bourrat from the brigade of Hélène Darroze and Arnaud Delvenne from the brigade of Glenn Viel. The goal of the final? In 10 hours, concoct a menu for 80 people at the George V palace in Paris.
  • On social networks, Arnaud seems to win the favor of the public. Even if Louise has her admirers, several Internet users have expressed their disenchantment with the candidate, little loved since the start of the season by Internet users. Below, the live of the grand finale with everything you should not miss.


10:50 p.m. – Hot in front, start of service!

This is the time of dressing in the kitchens, just before serving. As always, it’s the race to deposit the last elements on the entrance. Both teams are fully involved. On Arnaud’s side, the veils of potato jelly do not work at first. Arnaud takes the reins and manages to straighten the shot. Adriana Karambeu is present in the room as an ambassador for the Red Cross.

22:38 – Hilarious Internet users in front of Top Chef

As for Arnaud, if he is sure of the composition of his dessert with candied apples in butter and sugar, speculoos ice cream, speculoos biscuit, granny apple gel and cider vinegar, he intends to improvise the presentation. Chef Glenn Viel is left speechless. In any case, Internet users have a good laugh, both for Elis and his tiles and for Arnaud’s audacity.

22:34 – Louise’s dessert, what a tile!

Elis Bond, busy making the tiles for the dessert with black garlic ice cream, white chocolate mousse with vegetable mousse, buckwheat crumble, pistachio sponge cake, miso caramel, burns his hands trying to catch up on the hot tiles in the pan. The chef must put his hands in the ice from time to time to cool down. Louise’s team starts running during dessert, realizing the time is passing.

22:25 – Preparation on Arnaud’s side

“I’m a little pug, the kind who grabs your calf and doesn’t let go,” Arnaud blurts out. His poultry dish makes you want to: low-cooked chicken waterzooï, buttermilk marinade, pressed carrot-celeri-daikon, creamy parmesan yellow wine sauce and whipped cream. Glenn Viel looks as invested as his candidate. Mickaël, in charge of the dish, broods the chicken breasts which cook at low temperature and takes them out at the right time. Mickaël does not let go of the poultry since he also makes the sauce with the carcasses, vegetables and aromatic herbs.

22:18 – So far so good for Louise

For the moment in the kitchen, everything is going well on Louise’s side. Pascal, in charge of the meat, manages very well and finds the time to compete with Ambroise to open the oysters which will also be present in the dish. We also recall the composition of this one: veal chop roasted on the bone, smoked eel, pearl veal jus with sorrel oil, mashed potatoes, braised lettuce and inside, Oyster.

21:55 – The opinion of social networks on the finalists

Internet users hail Louise’s creativity just as much as the simplicity of Arnaud’s menu. For the moment, no menu seems to win the support of social networks more than the other. On the spot, Glenn Viel does not spare his candidate and lectures him on the cooking of mussels but ends up hugging Arnaud to give him courage. Hélène Darroze seems won over by everything Louise offers her.

21:46 – The differences between the two menus

As often in the final of Top Chef, one of the finalists, here Louise, offers a very original menu, while the other, here Arnaud, aims for a simpler and more reassuring menu. If the more original menu often wins the support of the jury, it is often the simpler menu that allows its author to win the show since the vote of the volunteers of the Red Cross who taste counts more.

21:39 – Arnaud Delvenne’s menu for this final

Lucie is on the starter, a revisited mussel and fries, Mickaël on the dish, a poultry waterzooï in yellow wine with a vegetable compote, Sébastien on the dessert, candied apples and speculoos gel-ice cream. Lilian is the right arm of the Belgian chef. Arnaud put a picture of his mother in the kitchens to watch over his team.

21:31 – The distribution of preparations in Louise’s team and her menu

Ambroise has to manage the starter for Louise, fish in sashimi. The dish, a veal chop, smoked eel and braised lettuce will keep Thibaut and Pascal busy. Elis is in charge of the dessert, a black garlic-miso ice cream, mousse à mousse and a buckwheat tuile. Louise defines her menu with a “Japanese fiber” frame. “We are not going to be in the little caress, we are going to be in the uppercut”, declares the finalist chef.

21:25 – The two teams of the finalists

After the emotional moment when the two finalists look back on their journey, their doubts and their dreams, the final really begins. Hélène Darroze promises to have three stars tattooed by Louise if she wins the competition. The George V hotel welcomes the finalists. Glenn Viel and Paul Pairet will help Arnaud and Philippe Etchebest and Hélène Darroze, Louise. Each finalist has his team. Thibaut, Pascal, Elis and Ambroise to help Louise and Lilian, Mickaël, Sébastien and Lucie for Arnaud.

21:16 – And here we go for the finale of Top Chef season 13!

Who of Louise or Arnaud will win this final of season 13 of Top Chef? More than the time of the show before having the answer since it is left for this last race towards victory. The two finalists will have to cook a menu for 80 Red Cross volunteers in the George V palace, in 10 hours, not one more!

21:08 – A good part of the candidates have a tattoo in common

They are several candidates of this season of Top Chef to have wanted to keep a memory of this crazy adventure. Louise, Pascal, Arnaud, Wilfried, Ambroise, Thibaut or even Tania all have a thirteen inscribed on their bodies, simply this season’s number. And it was Louise herself who tattooed her little friends!

20:42 – The influence of social networks on candidates

The two finalists repeatedly mentioned the weight of social networks. Louise Bourrat in particular, who quickly became the pet peeve of Internet users, said that she woke up some days after the broadcast with death threats against her. As for Arnaud, he told Télé 7 jours that he no longer watches “shell fire on Instagram. It hurts, it’s time-consuming and it’s very hard.

20:19 – A final complicated by illness for Louise Bourrat

The candidate confided in Télé-Loisirs on the course of the final. And the protege of Hélène Darroze has had a hard time during the filming. Indeed, the young woman confided that she had not slept the night before, not only because of the stress but also because she had her period. However, Louise Bourrat is suffering from endometriosis, a disease which makes the latter extremely painful, to the point of being able to make them feel unwell. “I have to take lots of pills during the day. I was at Georges V with my hot water bottle, it was very hard, ”confided the chef.

19:51 – Two surprise Top Chef finalists

When this season 13 started, the viewers, like every year, made their predictions and named the favorites according to them. Among them, Lilian, Pascal or Sébastien. But Louise and Arnaud were not part of it. The Belgian chef has indeed experienced the unenviable place of a solitary candidate before managing to integrate into a team. As for Louise, despite her undeniable talent, she has been widely criticized on social networks because of her apparent overconfidence.


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program sheet

The winner of season 13 of Top Chef is not yet known, the finale being broadcast from 9:15 p.m. this Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Last year, Mohamed Cheikh won the last season of Top Chef. The candidate, who did the whole competition under the advice of Hélène Darroze, faced Sarah, from Paul Pairet’s brigade, during this final. He won 54.86% of the vote, against 45.14% for Sarah, which gives him a gain of 54,860 euros. Aged 28, this young chef has never hidden that he comes from a popular suburb of the Paris region (Fontenay-sous-Bois), and that he had to struggle to find a place for himself in the middle. . He has notably worked with several starred chefs, such as Eric Fréchon. He has also worked in prestigious restaurants, such as the Royal Monceau or the Shangri-La.

Top Chef is the Wednesday night TV show. The 2022 season started on February 16 and will probably end in May, as is usually the case. Each new episode can be discovered on M6 from 9:10 p.m. on Wednesdays. It is also possible to find Top Chef in replay the day after its broadcast on the site 6play.fr

Fifteen candidates have been selected to compete in season 13 of Top Chef. Among them, there are notably 12 men, three women, including 3 Belgians. Among the standout candidates this season are Renaud, who had participated in Top Chef season 1, Lilian, a young chef whose dreams of opening a gastronomic restaurant were shattered by the coronavirus and who has since become a supermarket manager, Thibaut who has a green star, or Louise, chef of her own restaurant in Portugal who does not lack original ideas in her preparations. Discover the portraits of the Top Chef candidates by clicking here.

Since the creation of Top Chef, the show’s jury has evolved from season to season, with some chefs leaving the show to be replaced by new names from the French culinary scene. For the 2022 season, Philippe Etchebest (blue brigade), Hélène Darroze (red brigade) and Paul Pairet (purple brigade) are returning to the jury. On his side, Michel Sarran, emblematic juror of Top Chef, announced that he would not return to the show in 2022 by decision of the production. He is replaced by Glenn Viel, who has appeared several times on the M6 ​​show as guest conductor.

Glenn Viel is the new member of the Top Chef jury. The chef of the Oustau restaurant in Baumanière (Baux-de-Provence) is coaching the orange brigade this year. “He has every intention of blowing it all up, commented Stéphane Rotenberg. He arrived with energy and the will to do very hard”. Glenn Viel explains that he did not specifically ask to join the jury of Top Chef 2022, he was contacted by the production. “Of course, I jumped at the chance, he recalls. It’s a competition that is well perceived, well seen, with the greatest chefs in the world who come to participate. I was welcomed with a lot of benevolence and kindness.”

Each new episode of Top Chef is available the day after its broadcast in replay. Just connect to 6play, M6’s replay service, to find the episode. This one is available for a limited time though, so it’s recommended you don’t delay before catching up. It is possible to see Top Chef in replay on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
