indigenous leader leading protests released in Ecuador

indigenous leader leading protests released in Ecuador

In Ecuador, protests against rising fuel prices, and more generally the government’s economic policy, continue. The president of Conaie, the country’s largest indigenous organization, was briefly arrested on Tuesday. Police accuse him of ordering his supporters to block roads. These blockades constitute the essence of the protest movement. Leonidas Iza must “ to appear before a judge for his alleged participation in the crime of paralyzing a public service “, tell us El Comercio, but he will appear free. On the other hand, he is prohibited from leaving the country and must appear in court on Wednesdays and Fridays until July 4, the date of his trial.

In his editorial of the day, El Comercio claims that the rule of law takes precedence in this file and underlines the very ” Politics of this arrest. The newspaper acknowledges that Ecuadorian law authorizes resistance, but also condemns the paralysis of public services “. Closed roads, absent workers: according to the president of the Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters, quoted by EcuadorTimes a day of protest in the Sierra region costs the sector an estimated $3.2 million”.

Trump or no Trump?

In the United States, four states chose Tuesday the candidates who will compete in November in the midterm elections. Among them, Nevada, a key state where Democrats and Republicans should be neck and neck. Donald Trump managed to get the victory of “ his favorite candidate », Adam Laxalt, explains the washington post. He will therefore challenge Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, in the race for the Senate, who is “ a favorite target of Republicans in the fall “.

In South Carolina, this election was a way to gauge the resistance of candidates who had opposed Donald Trump head-on in the past. ” Rep. Tom Rice, one of 10 Republicans in the House of Representatives who voted for his impeachment during the impeachment proceedings, lost, but ” Rep. Nancy Mace, who incurred Trump’s ire after voting to certify Joe Biden’s victory in 2020, won her primary against a candidate backed by the former president “. ” Once again, it was Donald Trump’s grip on the Republican Party that was put to the test. And that hold still seems pretty strong », concludes

Meanwhile, in a special election in South Texas, Mayra Flores, a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives, defeated Democrat Dan Sanchez in the first round. Which further reduces the already tiny margin Democrats hold in this chamber “, Write the washington post. The defeat is all the more important, underlines the Texas Grandstand that it is the loss of a ” historic democratic stronghold “By conceding his defeat, Dan Sanchez accused him of the Democrats” for not doing enough to defend this seat “.

Fires back in the American West

As summer approaches, the United States is bearing the brunt of a series of disasters linked to climate change. Violent thunderstorms, heatwave – nearly 120 million Americans are affected by an alert today – and historic drought in almost all of the southwestern states. In northern Flagstaff, Arizona, thousands of acres are on fire. ” Here we go again “, title arizona republic this Wednesday. The Pipeline Fire caused many evacuations, like that of this young woman whose story is told in the diary. She had already had to evacuate a few weeks ago because of another forest fire. Her father’s house had burned down with her old little girl’s toys inside. Again, she finds herself on the trajectory and has to pack her bags.

The fall of bitcoin caused El Salvador to lose $50 million

La Prensa Grafica speak ” Crypto crash “. Bitcoin, the official currency of El Salvador since last September, fell to its lowest level since 2020. Consequence of this debacle, explains the media El Salvador.commillions of investors suddenly lost their funds “. And the president too, if we are to believe the site “ which keeps a constant update bitcoins bought by Nayib Bukele. In all, he would have acquired 2301 bitcoins and lost around $50 million. This money ” could have been used to help vulnerable families exclaims Diario Co Latino in One. However, President Bukele still encourages in his tweet to buy more bitcoin. He shares a reassuring message from his finance minister, that “ losses due to the collapse of the cryptocurrency market do not even amount to 0.5% of the national budget “. El regrets, however, the lack of transparency in the use of public funds for the promotion of cryptocurrencies.

To read or listen also: Will the bitcoin debacle jeopardize the projects of the Central African Republic and El Salvador?

Poaching in Brazil

In Brazil, a second suspect was arrested Tuesday in the Amazonas region in the investigation into the disappearance, 10 days ago, of British journalist Dom Phillips and Brazilian indigenous activist Bruno Pereira. Research continues in the Itaquaí River region, we are told Folha de Sao Paulo. A region to which the Brazilian newspaper devotes its front page this Wednesday. He argues that the current conflicts on these indigenous lands are directly linked to the abandonment of public programs, which have favored “the increase in poaching », in particular the illegal fishing of a fish, the pirarucu. Today, of these sustainable fisheries management initiatives, “ only worn panels remain, scattered on the banks of the Itaquaí River », regrets Folha.
