In the spotlight: burning… – French press review

In the spotlight burning… French press review

Burning » : this is the great title of the Free lunch. Indeed, heat records are expected today in France. “ Warm air from the south promises up to 42 degreesannounces the newspaper. An episode which worries by its precocity, whereas the water misses. »

The regional press engages…

The heat wave is coming exclaims The Independent.

It’s gonna be hot », sighs The Telegram.

Very hot in front “, adds Provence.

Heat: the worst is yet to come », warns The Dispatch.

The heat wave before a summer heat wave? », wonders West France.

Always hotter, always earlier », notes The Parisian.

France now lives under the reign of the climate “Mediterranean”, notes the newspaper, where the extreme episodes (heat, dryness, humidity) become more frequent and intense. Twenty years from now, Marseille will have the weather forecast for Algiers, Lyon for Marseille and Paris for Bordeaux. “.

► To read also: Global warming: “The whole of the Alps is affected by a greening”

So, ” solutions exist to stop this deleterious trajectorypoint The Parisian. The latest IPCC report is full of them, ready to use. The generation “Mediterranean climate”, ultra-sensitized to global warming, is acquired in the emergency. She beats the pavement, signs petitions, shouts her anger. It’s a safe bet, valued Le Parisien, that once at the helm, she will know how to activate the levers much more efficiently than us, children of the temperate climate “.

Macron at the front

Also on the front page, hot in front for Emmanuel Macron…

Macron dramatizes the issue of the second round “, title Le Figaro on the front page. Worried about obtaining only a relative majority, the president yesterday called on the French to “republican outburst”. It was sure the tarmac at Orly airport before flying to Romania.

Comment of Figaro : “ it is the Macronian version of “me or chaos” gaullian. If saving the Republic is voting Together!, this means that any other ballot, whether Nupes, RN or LR, is an attack on the Republic. Nothing less. Do we go from appealing to the Republican front to denouncing a Republican affront? As if it were not enough to list all that is dangerous in the program of Mélenchon, which he does not target by name. There remains the astonishing symbol of the plane ready to take off, point again Le Figaro. On the way to the French soldiers, the tricolor cabin in the background: Macron plays the maximum presidentialization. Status and dramatization “.

And no debate…

So small sentences and injunctions on both sides, but of debate… period! This is what denounces in particular Free Charente : “ when two blocs are vying for victory at the same time as the votes of 25 million abstentionists, the French would have deserved a face-to-face between their leaders: the head of the current government and the one who hopes to take her place. But Elisabeth Borne refusedregrets the Charente daily. Instead, Emmanuel Macron spoke for a few minutes on the tarmac at Orly, as one evokes between two planes a situation that concerns you from afar. (…) Instead of a debate at the height of the moment, the President of the Republic lets the French from his Airbus watch this campaign as one watches the trains pass, still regret The Free Charente. Without getting into it, seeing the small sentences scroll by, the big controversies, the invectives, the rotting of public speech through the media “.

Shame on London! »

Finally, the case of the migrant charter to Rwanda: the flight chartered by the British was finally canceled last night, after an injunction from the European Court of Human Rights.

In any case, ” shame in london exclaims The cross. The agreement that asylum seekers and migrants arriving illegally in the UK can be sent to Rwanda, which will arbitrate on their fate, this agreement is astonishing, the Catholic daily is indignant. It is shocking that one of the richest countries in the world outsources its legal procedures and entrusts them to another located more than 6000 km away. (…) The United Kingdom is breaking with its history, attached to the protection of the individual, even if he is a foreigner. The Anglican Church is not mistaken, which speaks of “shame” for the nation. »
