Teacher card, Anief: no reductions, more money is needed to give it even to temporary workers

Teacher card Anief no reductions more money is needed to

(Finance) – Instead of increasing the budget annual for the teacher’s card and extend it to the precarious, as decided with the order of the European Court of Justice a few days ago, who manages the school is working to reduce it to almost halve it: the I and VII Senate commissions would have found the resources to save the 500 euro annual card addressed to all teachers, only from the first year of cuts provided for by Law Decree no. 36 inserted in the Pnnr.

According to Italia Oggi, various political parties, including the majority, “have asked for over 450 million Italia Oggi” to change the part relating to the school of the PNRR 2 decree, and the Mef seems to have received reassurances only for 16 million, useful for avoiding the curtailment of the teaching card only for the assignment scheduled for next September 2022. “Nothing to do, therefore, for the remaining 34 million euros which would serve to avoid the curtailment until June 2023 and the subsequent 90 million to prevent measure becomes fully operational ”, observes Orizzonte Scuola.

β€œIn our opinion, what is happening at Palazzo Madama is unbelievable – he comments Marcello Pacific, national president of Anief – because just as the judges extend the 500 euros per year to all precarious teaching staff with annual substitute teaching, thus opening up to the reimbursement of up to 2,500 euros for 200 thousand potential alternate teachers, with over half a billion euros in total to be returned, the Government is going to cut funds to pay for new recruitment and training that everyone doesn’t like. In practice, instead of introducing a legislative modification of paragraph 123 of the Good School, law no. 107/15, opening precisely to the annual temporary workers, the conditions are created – by approving almost in full paragraph 9 of article 44 of law decree 36 – which will put the state coffers even more in the red. A move is being made, therefore, that touches on self-harm. There is no doubt: it is necessary to appeal to the judge ”.

On this issue, on how to recover the 500 euros denied by the state to precarious workers in recent years, on Monday 20 June at 16.00 a ‘public assemblyopen to all interested personnel, entitled “Charter of the teacher to the precarious, Europe has said yes“: The event will take place at the branch of the Umberto I High School, in viale Regione Siciliana n. 1751. Attorneys Fabio Ganci, Walter Miceli, Giovanni Rinaldi and Nicola Zampieri will participate. Introduced by Professor Giovanni Portuesi, regional president of Anief Sicily.

The VI section of the European Court of Justice, by order of 18 May 2022, also recognized all teachers precarious of the school the right to take advantage of the economic benefit of 500 euros per year, through the so-called “electronic card” for the updating and training of teaching staff. The remission to the CJEU ofEuropean Union had been carried out by Dr. Patrizia Baici of the Court of Vercelli, in a case sponsored on behalf of trade union Anief by the lawyers Giovanni Rinaldi, Nicola Zampieri, Fabio Ganci and Walter Miceli, who had highlighted the contrast with the prohibition of discrimination between temporary teachers and permanent teachers of the failure to recognize the sum of 500 per year per year, as it was intended for purchase of training goods and services, aimed at developing the professional skills of the teaching staff.
