Vaccination plan against monkey pox is developed

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Facts: Monkey pox

Monkey pox (English monkeypox) is a disease that can be transmitted between animals and humans. It was discovered in monkeys and was therefore named monkey pox, but it is probably different rodents in Central and West African rainforests that are reservoirs of the virus.

In the spring of 2022, an unusual number of cases of smallpox have been found in several countries. Transmission of viruses seems to have taken place primarily through sexual contacts between men who have sex with men.

Monkey pox often causes rashes, sores and blisters. The symptoms are often mild but can be severe in people at risk. In older studies conducted in Africa, some mortality has also been reported.

There are medicines that seem to have some effect against the infection and that can be used in serious illness.

All cases of infection with monkey pox must be reported to the infection control doctor in the region and to the Public Health Agency.

Source: Swedish Public Health Agency

This is not about a plan for a so-called general vaccination, the government writes in a press release, but about a possible vaccination of certain individuals.

“Sweden must be well prepared and take the necessary measures to effectively counteract the continued spread of the monkey cup virus,” says Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S) in a press release.

Sweden is part of the EU-joint purchase of vaccine against monkey pox virus. In total, there are 110,000 doses to be ordered and Sweden will receive a proportionate share of the doses based on the population.

“EU-joint purchases of vaccines and medicines served us well during the pandemic and therefore Sweden participates in EU-joint purchases of vaccines against app pox virus”, says Hallengren.

The Swedish Public Health Agency shall, in collaboration with the Medical Products Agency, develop a priority order and a plan for distribution and handling of the vaccine.

The Government will also instruct the Swedish Public Health Agency and the National Board of Health and Welfare to ensure access to antiviral drugs against the smallpox virus at national level. As with the previously mentioned vaccine, Sweden has previously joined a planned EU-joint procurement of such a drug.
