The RN is picking up the slack after a half-hearted campaign

The RN is picking up the slack after a half hearted

Five days before the second round of the legislative elections in France, the National Rally hopes to win around thirty seats in the National Assembly. A real victory in sight for the party of Marine Le Pen who wanted revenge at the polls after his failure in the presidential election.

Marine Le Pen’s advisers are smiling. “ We’ve never been so high “, repeats a member of the management of the National Rally (RN), on a small cloud since Sunday evening. 1,200,000 votes more than in 2017, RN candidates are in the lead in more than 200 constituencies, twice as many as 5 years ago. The prospect of having a nice group in the Assembly is already making the staff dream. About thirty deputies, against 7 currently. Most optimistic scenario.

A lackluster campaign

The RN campaign was however sluggish, Marine Le Pen herself seeming to hesitate on the final objective. “Odid a serene campaign, no bling bling and it pays off “defends an adviser. The National Rally now hopes to take advantage of a foil effect against Jean-Luc Mélenchon and against the union of the left. Icing on the cake: the electoral slap in the face for Eric Zemmour in the Var, eliminated in the first round. ” He amused the media, Zemmour, it’s over “, rejoices a close friend of Marine Le Pen.

Listen again The debate of the day: Legislative: towards a historical recomposition of the National Assembly?
