Gabon celebrates World Blood Donor Day with mobilization

Gabon celebrates World Blood Donor Day with mobilization

Tuesday June 14 is World Blood Donor Day. Like every year, almost everywhere in the world, the demand for blood is most often greater than the supply. In Gabon, the situation has been particularly difficult this year, especially during the confinement linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. A vast mobilization campaign is underway in the country to encourage Gabonese to donate blood.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves Laurent Goma

Sitting in a tent, Désiré regains his strength. A volunteer donor, he has just donated a bag of blood: ” I am aware that my gesture can save those who are in need. »

At his side, a dozen people are waiting for their sample: they needed the blood bank to save their loved ones. In return, they come to give theirs to allow the blood bank to stock up:

I took two bags of blood yesterday, so they had to be reimbursed. And I brought four donors for it. »

During the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, the blood stock dropped considerably, recognizes Dr Olivier Rebienot Pellegrin, Director General of the National Blood Transfusion Center, who has set up a communication strategy to mobilize Gabonese:

In 2018, we were at 30 % of voluntary donors for 70 % of family donations. In 2021, we rose to 60% voluntary donations for 40 % of family donations. So we jumped 30 %. »

Gabon collects approximately 23,000 blood bags per year, slightly below demand. This is marked by overconsumption and over-prescription, says the boss of the blood bank.

Read also: Blood donation: why do we need donors from all geographical origins?
