Pop star Justin Bieber suffered from a stroke – read here how to get the disease

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Bieber, 28, said in a video that she has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, which has paralyzed the other half of her face. The syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox and shingles.

13.6. 20:22 • Updated June 13th. 20:30

Canadian pop star Justin Bieber said he was suffering from Ramsay Hunt Syndrome late last week. It causes a partial paralysis of his face.

Grammy-winning Bieber announced he would take a break from his world tour due to illness just hours before a scheduled concert in Canada. In Finland, Bieber is scheduled to perform on August 9, but the artist has not given an estimate of when he will return to the concert stages.

Bieber, 28, told a video posted on Instagram that the other half of his face was paralyzed.

– As you can see, this eye does not flicker, I can not smile on this side of my face, this nostril does not move, he said.

We asked the docent, ear, nose and throat specialist Mervi Kanervaltawhat is Ramsay Hunt syndrome and who can get it.

What is Ramsay Hunt Syndrome?

The cause of the syndrome is varizella zoster virus, which belongs to the herpes virus. The same virus causes chickenpox and shingles. The virus damages the cerebral nerve, causing a stroke.

After chickenpox, the virus stays in the body. When activated, it can cause shingles, which may also be associated with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. Shingles can then occur, for example, on the face, mouth, ear, or shoulder area before, after, or at the same time as a facial stroke. In addition to facial paralysis, the syndrome may also be associated with dizziness and hearing loss.

In his Instagram video, Bieber did not tell him about the symptoms of shingles, but said he was suffering from Ramsay Hunt syndrome.

A more common facial stroke than Ramsay Hunt’s syndrome is Bell’s paresis, but its cause is unknown.

Who can get the syndrome?

Anyone with a virus in their body. The virus that causes chickenpox stays in the body and can be activated by virtually anyone.

However, it is not known why the virus is activated. It can be activated, for example, when the immune system weakens, for example, with age, but the syndrome can also occur in adolescents and children. The syndrome can also come with chickenpox.

Ramsay Hunt is rare. According to Mervi Kanerva, one to five cases are reported in Finland per 100,000 people a year. This would mean 55–275 cases per year in Finland.

Does the syndrome completely improve?

About one in three will have some symptoms, but they can be very mild. Patients get better with the medication.

Antiviral medication and cortisone improve the chances of recovery. About 60 to 70 percent of those affected recover completely.

The severity and duration of symptoms vary – in some it may take weeks, in others months. The rate of healing depends on how much damage the virus has done to the facial nerve.

When might Bieber return to the stages?

The syndrome is a state of stress for the body, and in the early stages you should restrain yourself to rest. It’s impossible to predict how quickly Bieber will be healthy back on the stage.

Many facial stroke patients may initially become isolated because, for example, letters may be difficult to pronounce or an eye that cannot blink properly may be prone to wind or debris, for example.

Thus, it is not known how the healing of the syndrome could be accelerated in addition to medication. Bieber said in the video that he is now taking it easy to heal.

Video: Instagram / @justinbieber

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