Elderly man convicted of masturbation on balcony

Elderly man convicted of masturbation on balcony

An elderly man who masturbated on his balcony in Gothenburg is convicted of sexual harassment. The man was standing on a table on the balcony at the time, writes Göteborgs-Posten.

Just in front of the balcony there is a walking and cycling path, where many children and young people moved.

A person who saw the man from the parking lot at a school alerted the police. The patrol chose to approach through a forest area and observed the man for more than an hour.

The man is in his 80s. In questioning with the police, he has admitted that he was partially naked on the balcony, and that he was standing at a table. However, he denies having masturbated.

– I have problems with the prostate. The sun is good for the prostate, the man said as an explanation in the interrogation, according to GP.

He is sentenced by the district court to a 40-day fine.
