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what is the final number

PARTICIPATION. We know the official participation rate in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections. It is historically low compared to previous elections…

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[Mis à jour le 13 juin 2022 à 09h32] By transmitting the official results of the first round of the legislative elections, the Ministry of the Interior disclosed on the night of Sunday to Monday another important information: the final participation rate in this 1st round: it is 47.51%. This extremely low score wipes out the record for the first round of the 2017 legislative elections: 48.7%. All day, the feedback on the turnout reflected a lack of voter mobilization for these 2022 legislative elections.

At noon, only 18.43% of voters had gone to the polling stations according to the count made and published by the Ministry of the Interior. This was almost a point less than in 2017 at the same time, when the participation rate was then 19.24%. Confirmation at 5 p.m. with 39.42% participation, or 1.3 points less than during the last legislative elections. The candidates qualified for the 2nd round should therefore try to ring the mobilization to convince the undecided to go to the polling stations on Sunday June 19 for the second round of these legislative elections. In 2017, the participation rate in the 2nd round was synonymous with very high abstention with a historically low participation rate for legislative elections: 43.17%.
