Togo tackles noise pollution caused by places of worship

Togo tackles noise pollution caused by places of worship

In Togo, the authorities banned “ the anarchic establishment of places of worship ” throughout the territory. The decision taken Friday, June 10 by the Minister of Territorial Administration aims to fight against noise pollution generated by places of worship and which part of the population complains. Many faithful complain of a decision without consultation.

With our correspondent in Lomé, Peter Sassou Dogbe

On this Sunday, a day of gathering and prayer in all the churches, the faithful appreciate this new measure differently. Pastor Jacques Azéglo, of the Ministry of Living by the Word, finds that there is the possibility of doing things better without prohibition:

If we know that we are all citizens of the same country, and that we must encourage each other and be in solidarity, I believe that we should not consider closing a church because of noise pollution. »

Others, like Pastor Barthelemy Adjamagbo, rather regret that this decision was taken without consultation: “ We are there without notice, we launch decisions like that that we read on social networks… But we have also taken note. »

But already, before the announcement of the Minister in charge of Territorial Administration, the director of worship of the same ministry threatened to seize the musical instruments of all places of worship that would exceed the threshold of 55 decibelsalso causing them to close.

One wonders if churches really make noise. I did not appreciate this decision favorably », Explains a devotee. ” The decision only concerns places of worship. Next to our houses there are bars. If the decision of the State can concern all these places, it will be our pleasure “says another.

Some citizens believe that bars are just as much of a nuisance and that churches should not be the only targets.
