In the spotlight: Macron-Mélenchon, the duel

In the spotlight Macron Melenchon the duel

The first round of the legislative elections, this Sunday, in metropolitan France? For the press, it boils down to a duel between Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. However, a study hoisted to the front page of the newspaper The worlddated today, confirms “ the structure in three poles of equivalent weight of the French political landscape.

Striking contrast between the headlines on newsstands and the risk of record abstention anticipated by the latest polls on voting intentions. Most opinion polls anticipate high abstention, such as that of Ifop for Paris Match, that four out of ten French people are interested in the legislative elections, a poll consequently predicting a participation rate of barely 40%.

Thus, according to the front page of Parisian Sundayit is nothing less than the quinquennium which “ is played now “. And to make itself better understood, this newspaper, on the inside pages, assures us that ” Macron plays the future of his five-year term “.

It goes without saying that, by the use he thus makes of the verb “ to play », The Parisian Sunday intends to signify what is at stake in these legislative elections. And for the newly re-elected President of the Republic; and for the opposition…

The Opposition? It is precisely a part of the latter, and not the least, that has chosen to hoist to its front page The Sunday newspapershaking ” the red rag “, alias Jean-Luc Mélenchon, figurehead of the left alliance, engaged, therefore, by a good part of the press, this week, in a “ duel with President Macron, and who appears with a stern look and a peremptory gesture, in a posture full of injunction and authority, on the front page of the JDD.

Lexical puffiness again, with this title of Marianne presenting today’s and next Sunday’s poll as ” the most important elections for forty years !

Don’t throw any more? But what then of this title of the JDD which presents the line on the verge of bankruptcy »? As we can see, the spring atmosphere of this sunny Sunday in mainland France, according to the press, which creates suspense, could end in a more tense atmosphere this evening, at the opening of the polls.

Ukraine, child martyrdom

They were children and were murdered in Boutcha “. It’s the weekly The Obs who, this week, has retraced their martyrdom “. This magazine thus evokes the tragedy of Igor, 15 years old, shot down ” in cold blood “in front of the entrance to the cellar where a hundred inhabitants were holed up” during the Russian occupation of Boucha », a town near kyiv where, to date, 416 bodies have been found, including 32 children. Another tragedy, that of Ivan, 15 years old, “ machine-gunned in his mother’s car “. And what about that of Nastia, 6 years old, who “ agonized in a kindergarten »…

Child martyrs, but also survivors… orphans. ” Numbers don’t mean anything highlighted The Obs, because they evade, for example, this tragedy: the Ukrainian orphanages evacuated in the emergency. They would be at least 100,000 kids, according to the High Commissioner for Refugees, to have been transferred to the west of the country, or to neighboring countries: in Poland alone 4,000 are housed in temporary reception houses. But what will happen to them tomorrow, questions this weekly, especially since many are not legally adoptable? 70% of these children still have parents, and were placed in these institutions because the latter, disabled or facing poverty, could not keep them at home… Will the host countries be able to take care of them indefinitely? , when we know the cruel lack of budget for Childhood Social Assistance in France? », wonders again The Obs.
