The Eastern hospital sends mothers home from childbirth after six hours

The Eastern hospital sends mothers home from childbirth after six

The Eastern Hospital in Gothenburg has introduced new guidelines.

Now all healthy mothers and children will be sent home six hours after the birth.

– I had never set foot in the Eastern Hospital in July, where I am scheduled to give birth. I know what it looks like there, says midwife Josefine Lagergren about her workplace P4 Gothenburg.

This summer, all mothers who can, including first-time mothers, will leave Östra Hospital six hours after the birth. According to Anna-Karin Ringqvist, business developer in childbirth, the new measure is due to the problematic economic development.

– I think this change is good, says Anna-Karin Ringqvist P4 Gothenburg.

The pressure on the pressured healthcare should now ease as healthy mothers and children are sent home faster. Those who need support at home should be offered it via calls.

– We want you to feel safe when you walk so you know where to turn later, says Anna-Karin Ringqvist.

Midwife Josefine Lagergren says that she does not intend to give birth to her child, which is planned for July at Östra Hospital, where she works. Instead, she criticizes the hospital, which says that they are investing in maternity care.

-Many around me will have children this summer and turn to me, but I can not say anything to calm them down, rather the opposite, says Josefine Lagergren.
