She thought she had gained weight, the reality turned out to be very different! Total 11 kilos…

She thought she had gained weight the reality turned out

A mind-blowing incident took place in Jiangsu province in eastern China. Stating that she had been around 50 kilograms throughout her life, but had recently started to gain weight rapidly, Lin started to look pregnant as her belly swelled rapidly. Lin, who started exercising, however continued to gain weight.


Lin, who went to the hospital at the insistence of his family due to the health problem he was experiencing, was quickly diagnosed by the doctors. Lin was told that she had a tumor in her abdomen that continued to grow, weighing 11 kilograms and measuring 46 centimeters. With the successful operation performed by the doctors on June 2, the 11-kilogram tumor was removed from Lin’s abdomen. Doctors stated that the tumor is benign, but if it is not removed, it will put pressure on other organs.

Photo: Weibo

Again in a similar event in 2017, a 51-year-old woman thought she was obese and did not have her growing belly checked, and then a 5-kilogram tumor was detected in the woman’s abdomen during a routine check-up. (UAV)
