Noteworthy statement from the expert name: There are plants that directly kill the virus

Noteworthy statement from the expert name There are plants that

Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Lecturer Prof. Dr. Ilker Durak underlined that the history of herbal foods in the fight against disease is very old and is very important in terms of the body’s defense mechanism, and said, “All humanity has grasped the importance of viruses and infection with Covid-19. Because they posed a serious risk to society. We are faced with a situation that has important consequences in terms of both health and economic destruction. When this is the case, protective factors against the disease become important. Particularly, special measures should be taken to keep the defense system strong.”

”We have polluted the soil, water and air”

Stating that there are various methods and some obligations to keep the body’s defense system strong, İlker Durak said, “A strong defense system is closely related to the rules of health and life. Therefore, it is very important to live in a clean environment. We have polluted the soil, water and air in recent years. These reflect negatively on our health. Another factor is that we forget the rules of healthy living. People sit at a desk from morning to night. There are too many people who do not find a total of 500 steps per day. However, the body machine can stay strong with work. In this respect, it is necessary to pay attention to this.

Life in today’s modern societies is very stressful, making people inevitably more nervous. This is an important factor that weakens the body’s defense system. But another factor that we can say more important than all of them is the issue of healthy nutrition. It is not possible for a strong defense mechanism to be formed in societies that do not have a healthy diet. There are conditions for a healthy diet. The food we eat must be healthy. Foods should be healthy so that we can make a strong defense after taking these foods.”


Pointing out that the balanced use of nutrients in nutrition is an important factor in catching and overcoming the disease, Durak said, “There are plants, spices and seeds that have acted as natural protectors against such infections and pandemics throughout human history. We should also use them. These are very important for protection purposes. Due to their antiviral properties, these are important in terms of having a direct effect when they encounter the virus in the body. For example, licorice root, cinnamon, thyme have been important in developing resistance against such infections throughout history. Humanity’s acquaintance with chemical drugs has a history of 100-150 years. However, people have used this power with natural herbs, natural spices and plant seeds for thousands of years and sought ways to live in a healthy way.



Stating that it is important to introduce natural foods that are not in daily life into people’s lives, Durak said, “There are plants that directly kill the virus. There are thousands of scientific studies on these. People need to use them. There are plants that activate the defense system directly. For example, echinacea. There are hundreds of studies that this plant activates the defense system. Again, there is the tragacanth that everyone knows in Anatolia. We have to take advantage of them,” he said.


