Tens of thousands demonstrate in the United States for tougher gun laws

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

“Enough is enough”, these are the words that the Facebook group “March for our lives” used in a post to market Saturday’s protest march in Washington. Similar protests were organized around the country in an estimated 300 places against the escalating violence.

The reason for the demonstrations is the recent mass shootings. In Uvalde, Texas, 19 school children and two teachers were killed and only ten days before that, a man shot ten black people at a supermarket in Buffalo.

“School should not be a war zone” and “Thoughts and prayers are not bulletproof” are some of the slogans that were written on the posters in the crowd.

– I speak as a mayor, a mother and I speak for millions of Americans who demand that Congress do its job. Their job is to protect us and protect our children from gun violence, said Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington.

Biden supports

President Joe Biden also expressed his support for the organization.

“Today, young people around the country will once again march to urge Congress to push through tougher gun laws, which a majority of the American people support. I support them by repeating what I have already said to Congress: Do something, “he wrote on Twitter.

The demonstrations are being organized four years after the organization “March for our lives” held a huge protest rally in Washington after the Parkland shooting that killed 17 people in a high school. “Never again” was the watchword then. But this year alone, 250 mass shootings have occurred in the country.
