Delicious crispy cod fritters, a Caribbean recipe

Delicious crispy cod fritters a Caribbean recipe

Cod is a fish which can measure some 70 centimeters in length and weigh up to 3 kilograms. Note that fishermen call cod, a fish that is still young. While they designate under the term cod, the same fish in adulthood. The cooks, on the other hand, speak of cod when the fish is fresh and of cod when it has been dried and salted beforehand.

Anyway, cod is considered a lean fish. It is a good source ofOmega 3, of the Fatty acids that promote the proper functioning of immune systems, circulatory and hormonal. All while notably reducing the blood pressure of those who consume it.

Cod is also rich in proteins. It contains nine essential amino acids to our body. And it presents itself as an excellent source of selenium — useful for hormone thyroid and enzymes antioxidants –, ofiodine and vitamin B12 — which is involved in the manufacture of Red cells. Cod is also a source of phosphorus — good for healthy bones and teeth –, other B vitamins, magnesium — useful for construction proteins — and vitamin D — important for the immune system.
