Covid-19, infections rise to 23,042 in the last 24 hours

Covid 19 infections rise to 23042 in the last 24 hours

(Finance) – Covid-19 infections continue to rise in Italy due to the spread of new variants of the main Omicron strain, more contagious than the previous ones. And so, according to the daily data of the Ministry of Saute, they were recorded 23,042 new infections in the last 24 hours compared to the previous 22,361.

The victims instead they rise to 84 from 80 on Wednesday. THE tampons carried out antigenic and molecular are 179.127 with a rate of positivity that rises to 12.8% compared to 11.8% on Wednesday.

There are 197 patients admitted to intensive care, two fewer than the previous day in the balance between entries and exits 31 the daily entries), while the admitted to the ordinary wards are 4,234, that is 62 fewer than on Wednesday.

The current positives are 625,217, 3,778 lower than on Wednesday. The Italians infected since the beginning of the pandemic rise to 17,589,595, while the deaths reach 167,253.
