Are you spending too much time on TikTok? This tool will tell you

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The social network is in the process of rolling out a new module dedicated to digital wellbeing to help you better manage the time spent on the platform and encourage you to take more breaks.

You may be able to find a few extra hours of sleep. TikTok has just announced the imminent deployment of a new dashboard dedicated to digital wellbeing within its mobile application. The social network has unveiled several new tools to “encourage [ses] users to develop positive digital habits”.

Scheduled breaks

In addition to the daily time limit system already in place in the application, TikTok is launching a module allowing users to control the time spent on the platform during a user session. This tool was designed with the objective that you define yourself a maximum usage time for each of your viewing sessions. When the limit of this duration is reached on an interrupted user session, the application will display a message on the screen to invite you to take a break.


Watching content on TikTok is as time-consuming as it is addictive. To help you ease off and make you aware of the time spent on its application, TikTok is launching a dashboard summarizing all of your activity on the platform. You will then know how many times you have opened the application and will be able to see if you use it more during the day or at night. In addition, an option integrated into this dashboard will allow you to receive a weekly reminder inviting you to consult your usage statistics.


For younger users, TikTok plans to send prevention messages once a week. In addition, users identified as being between 13 and 17 years old will automatically receive a notification as soon as their usage time exceeds 100 minutes on a single day. They will then be invited to go to the Digital Well-being module of the application in order to possibly configure a time limit for use.

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