Norwegian play against Sweden – sends sour pass after great turbulence in the national team: “It’s good…”

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Several skiers have left Sweden’s cross-country national team.
A message that was well received in Norway.
– It is now being pulverized, says length manager Espen Bjervig.

Sweden’s cross-country national team has had several dropouts recently. First, sprint specialist Linn Svahn announced that she is leaving the national team, and will make her own venture next season.

The duo does as Svahn

An accident seldom comes alone. Shortly after the star announced, the duo and the good friends Frida Karlsson and Maja Dahlqvist said that they will also train alone next competition year.

200102 Espen Bjervig, head of cross-country skiing at the Norwegian Ski Federation (NSF) after a training session during Tour de Ski on January 2, 2020 in Val di Fiemme. Photo: Mathias Bergeld / BILDBYRÅN

The trio’s motivation for the decisions has been that they believe that they will be the best for their own development – where everyone is investing heavily in the World Cup in Slovenia after the turn of the year.

After the departure, national team manager Anders Byström has said that the stars’ decision will not affect that much, and that the atmosphere and sparring in the group will continue to be very good.

“Disassembles himself”

At rival Norway, on the other hand, the tones are different. They have a tough season behind them where it behind Therese Johaug – who has now stopped – has been a resounding success.

Norwegian length manager Espen Bjervig is satisfied with the turbulent time in Sweden’s national team, and believes that there will be damage in the long run.

211007 Maja Dahlqvist and Frida Karlsson, skis, during a kick-off meeting organized by the Swedish Ski Association on October 7, 2021 in Stockholm. Photo: Jesper Zerman / BILDBYRÅN

– For several years, the Swedish women skiers have stood together as a powerful team. They have constantly pushed each other to get better. It is now being pulverized. In the short term, there may be no danger. But I do not think there is any long-term benefit. he says to Norwegian VG and continues:

– We get good traction from a Swedish national team that takes itself apart.

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