Universal charger: what does Europe’s decision change?

Universal charger what does Europes decision change

Since 2009, the European Commission has been working on a law to impose a universal charger on manufacturers of electronic devices. This has been done since June 7, but Europe is giving Apple and the others 30 months to comply. For computers and wireless charging, that will be later.

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Standardizing the charging connectors of electronic devices is the hobbyhorse of the European Union for years, and on Monday, Europe approved the arrival of a so-called “universal” charger. All devices sold in member states will have to be sold with a charger USB-Cand therefore have a USB-C socket.

When is the universal charger coming?

Even if Europe endorsed this decision on June 7, 2022, manufacturers will benefit from a moratorium to comply with the law. Thus, Europe gives them around 30 months to adapt, and it is only from November 2024 that the universal charger will really be imposed on manufacturers. Suffice to say that the universal charger will not arrive immediately.

What type of connector was chosen?

Lightning, USB-A, USB-C, Thunderbolt, Firewire, Micro-USB…, there is no shortage of different types of connectors in computing, and the European Union has chosen USB-C. It is the most widespread interface today, and for two years, Europe has been campaigning for it to be the only connector in force. By its form, its versatility and its reversibility, it is the most practical and the vast majority of manufacturers have adopted it. Behind this choice, there is also the ecological question since the goal is to limit the waste and therefore the multiplication of obsolete chargers with each purchase of a device.

Who opposes this directive?

Only one mark sees from a very bad eye European law, and it’s not just anybody, since it’s aboutApple. The firm has always stood apart by matter of connector, whether Firewire for data transfer, or Lightning foriPhone. Except that now it’s settled: at thefall 2024, iPhone and iPad will all need to have a USB-C plug. Apple has started its migration since some iPads have abandoned Lightning for USB-C. This directive essentially targets the iPhone, and it will take until 2023 for Apple is really ditching its proprietary Lightning plug. ” If Apple wants to market its products in Europe, it will have to respect our rules“warned Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs.

What devices are affected?

In a truncated way, this directive has been summed up as an anti-iPhone law. Except that in fact, the universal charger concerns a wide variety of “small” connected devices: smartphones, tabletse-readers such as the Kindle, headphones, cameras digitalthem connected speakers and even portable game consoles. Many are already using USB-C, like the Switch of nintendo.

What about laptops?

The computers laptops are not forgotten, and the site is larger because USB-C takes time to establish itself. It is for this reason that the arrival of the universal charger in this sector is scheduled for the spring of 2026, in four years. And a vote has yet to ratify it. Which means MacBooks and MacBook Pros will have to switch to USB-C, like iPhones.

And wireless charging?

As for the computer laptops, the project is underway because each brand, or almost, benefits from its proprietary technology. But unlike the universal charger for smartphones or laptops, a vote will not be necessary, the only condition set by Europe is the interoperability of wireless chargers so that they are not limited to one brand or type of device.

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