In the Karawal Nagar district of Delhi, India, a family put their 5-year-old daughter under 40-degree heat by tying her hands and feet to the roof of the house, on the grounds that she did not do her homework. While it was stated that the incident took place on June 2, the police took action after the images of the little boy were spread on social media. In the video, the little boy was seen trying to break free from the ropes, while cries for help could be heard.
“After the video of a girl tied to the roof of a house was shared on social media, Delhi Police made all possible efforts to establish the identity and condition of the child. The boy’s family was identified and the necessary action was taken,” the Delhi police said in a statement.
It is expected that accusations such as assaulting the child, wounding, physical violence and deprivation of liberty will be brought against the family.