Vincent Graczyk, just like at home

Vincent Graczyk just like at home

The Tour of Cameroon, which takes place from June 4 to 12, is one of the playgrounds of Vincent Graczyk, currently leader of the race. The French rider discovered Africa and Cameroon in 2007. At the time, he won a stage in the Grand Prix Chantal Biya. Since then, he has shone regularly on Cameroonian roads.

Africa suits him so well. Currently leader of the Tour of Cameroon, the Frenchman Vincent Graczyk feels in his element on this continent which he discovered fifteen years ago, during the Chantal Biya Grand Prix in Cameroon. Since then, this country has become his playground.

It has also set its wheels on the roads of Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Senegal, Benin, Cape Verde or Tunisia. “ I like the very direct relationship with the African runners. It’s not sanitized like in France where everyone stays in their corner before departureconfesses immediately Vincent Graczyk, contacted by telephone. Here we are gathered around a sport that we love. We talk a lot, and I made brothers. Even if it’s not an audience of connoisseurs, there is an incredible warmth. Traveling thanks to your passion is a chance. »

I don’t hesitate to stuff my suitcase to bring things »

At 37, Vincent Graczyk still has a passion for cycling and distills his advice with kindness. The winner of the Tour of Madagascar in 2016 loves sharing. ” I don’t hesitate to stuff my suitcasee to bring things only for African runners “, says the runner from the French Defense club. “ I believe that I am appreciated here. I give my advice on training, diet or race strategy. I can do it and I know I can make people happy “. Vincent Graczyk remembers very well his first time in Africa where he took eyeful “. “Yes I was shocked by misery. But people know how to open up to others. It’s great to share ideas here. Traveling is the best school of life he says.

On the sporting side, Vincent Graczyk does not find that the runners from West and Central Africa have made much progress, despite East African momentum with Eritreans. However, according to him, the races have evolved in terms of organization. ” The problem is that riders are afraid of degrading their bike before the competition. As a result, they hesitate to train a lot and wait for the approach of the race to get to work. “. The shortage of materials and the lack of money remain the major problem of cycling on part of the continent. Cycling remains an expensive sport. There is also the problem of nutrition. ” Do they eat well to handle the demanding training sessions and races? asks Vincent Graczyk. “ You need ways to get your head above water. The high level is often played on the details “.

Vincent Graczyk nevertheless notes a great initiative in Benin. The country has asked for advice and help from Rwanda, which will organize the World Championships in 2025. Rwandans know how to do it. Adrien Niyonshuti, who competed in the London 2012 Olympics in mountain biking, spent time in Benin to provide advice. He trained the Beninese national team before the Tour of Benin 2022. Yellow jersey on the back, Vincent Graczyk still has until Sunday June 12 to enjoy his sport, his African friends and the Cameroonian landscapes.

►Also read: Tour of Italy: with the Eritrean Biniam Girmay, history is written in the sprint
