Amazon’s Lord of the Rings wants to avoid the mistakes of the fantasy competition

1654607073 Amazons Lord of the Rings wants to avoid the mistakes

Amazon’s fantasy epic The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power wants to avoid a mistake that has already become a stumbling block for many other series: Instead of not knowing where to go in later seasons at the beginning, the series creators revealed that they are very have concrete plans for all 5 seasons. It almost sounds as if they want to prevent a second fantasy disaster of Game of Thrones proportions, where the series ending disappointed many fans.

Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series has 5 seasons planned – and the last picture is fixed

Along with the recently revealed new Lord of the Rings series images, the future plans of Amazon’s major fantasy project continued to take shape before our eyes: Showrunners Patrick McKay and John D. Payne gave insights into theirs secret master plan for the new Middle-earth adventure.

Check out Amazon’s first Lord of the Rings trailer:

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power – S01 Teaser Trailer (German) HD

The Lord of the Rings series is thus deliberately positioned differently from its fantasy competitor Game of Thrones: Because the previous fantasy hit series had to take increasing criticism in later seasons because a well thought-out story substructure was missing: the GoT showrunners knew the end point by George RR Martin’s (still uncompleted) series of books. The finale was only roughly confirmed by the author. The Lord of the Rings series creators, on the other hand, know JRR Tolkien’s work inside out and know exactly where to go. They revealed to Empire:

We already know what they are last shot of the last episode will be. The rights purchased from Amazon include a 50 hour series. They knew the size of their canvas from the start – this is a big story with a beginning, middle and end. In Season 1 things will happen that are only pay out in Season 5.

The protagonists of the new Lord of the Rings series – the elves, dwarves, humans and harfeet (as a Hobbit substitute) – are heading for a fixed goal from the first episode.

Learning from the Game of Thrones disappointment? The Lord of the Rings series works towards an epic goal

Of course, the creators of the series do not reveal what this implied Lord of the Rings ending will look like. But we already have a very specific guess: A epic circular argument to the Lord of the Rings movies could await us. Because if Sauron is actually the slowly built up main villain of the Amazon series, defeating him (including his severed ring finger) should come at the end of the fantasy epic. It would then be appropriate, for example, to show in the last series image how Gollum/Sméagol came into possession of the ring after Isildur’s death. This would be the link to Peter Jackson’s film trilogy.


Lord of the Rings Series: Elven Capital Lindon

At the same time, of course, it’s not just about the destination you’re headed for, but above all about the journey there – from the start of the Lord of the Rings series on September 2, 2022 on Amazon Prime until the grand finale in Season 5.

Fantasy films other than The Lord of the Rings: 10 streaming tips on Amazon, Netflix and Disney+

If you want to discover other extraordinary worlds, characters and stories in addition to Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, here are 10 strong streaming recommendations for fantasy films that are currently available on Netflix, Amazon and Disney+.

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Whether it’s a classic, an animated film, a blockbuster or an insider’s tip: the streaming services are guaranteed to have something for every fantasy fan’s taste. Dragons, Polymorphs, Stardust, Epic Journeys and Sorcery included.

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Are you happy when a series like Amazon’s Lord of the Rings has a precise plan of where to go?
