Today, Morgan Johansson’s fate is decided

Today Morgan Johanssons fate is decided

Today, it will be decided whether Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Morgan Johansson (S) can remain in his post. At 12 o’clock, the Riksdag votes.

The no-confidence vote brings together all 349 members of the Riksdag. Anyone who is ill or absent may not be set off.

The conditions are as follows: if Morgan Johansson receives a majority of the votes against him, 175 or more, he is forced to resign. Otherwise he can stay.

The Moderates, the Christian Democrats, the Liberals and the Sweden Democrats have all stood behind the distrust, but they lack a mandate to overthrow the minister.

“Swedish interests”

If he is convicted, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) has said that she will resign – and thus the entire government. On Sunday, however, she opened to let the Minister of Justice go and still sit.

Because the situation is so even, the tongue in cheek could be the political savage Amineh Kakabaveh, who previously belonged to the Left Party.

The Social Democrats and Kakabaveh had a meeting on Sveavägen 68 during the national day, but after the meeting Kakabaveh could not give any information about how she will vote.

– It’s all about us standing up for Swedish interests and not letting Turkish interests apply, she said.

A transitional government

In November, the political savage released Magdalena Andersson as prime minister after entering into an agreement with the Social Democrats. It included promises of deeper cooperation with the democratic union party PYD, the largest political party among Syrian Kurds.

If Morgan Johansson is deposed and Andersson resigns, the Prime Minister will lead a so-called transitional government.

A transitional government has, in principle, the same powers as an ordinary government, but it may not call for additional elections.
