UGL, Capone: “No to the law on the minimum wage. It is necessary to strengthen the CCNL and reduce the tax wedge”

UGL Capone No to the law on the minimum wage

(Finance) – “The radical transformations taking place in the world of work, the instability of the international scenario and the worsening of the economic situation require extraordinary measures to avoid dramatic repercussions on the employment level. In this context, the discussion relating to the ‘raising wages. As UGL, we have long supported the need to strengthen the purchasing power of workers’ wages by implementing the right to a fair wage as enshrined in Article 36 of the Constitution “. It is states Paolo Capone, UGL Secretary General, on the debate on introducing a minimum hourly wage by law.

“A first intervention, in this sense, – he continues Capone – should relate to the tax wedge cut which would make more resources available on paychecks immediately. It should also be added that it is necessary to renew collective agreements with a total tax reduction of the share of the increase. It is necessary to protect the value of a central instrument such as the national collective agreement which, moreover, defines fundamental aspects such as the organization and working hours, career progression, social security and welfare which together contribute, together with remuneration, to compliance with the constitutional provisions regarding fair remuneration. It should be remembered that, unlike other European countries, bargaining in Italy covers about 90% of the working sectors. Thereintroduction by law of a minimum hourly wagebeyond weaken bargaining, would favor a dangerous downward alignment of wages and protection for workers and it would not solve the problem of undeclared work. For these reasons, as UGL – concludes Capone – we ask President Draghi to convene as soon as possible a table between the government and the social partners to discuss income policies, reduction of the tax wedge and a new model of industrial relations based on worker participation. to business management “.
