Georgia exiles in Georgia want to fight the negative image

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

In the Georgian capital, a man is sandwiched between two shields. The installation is part of an art exhibition where young refugees raise money for Ukraine.

Varvara Ilinas, who is involved in organizing the exhibition, sometimes receives a phone call from his mother, who is still in Russia. She is a doctor with her own clinic and is in a good position.

Lost his mother

When the war broke out, Varvara Ilinas thought her mother would be against it.

– I would say that one of the things that hurts the most is not that Putin has deprived me of my home, my community and my friends without him depriving me of my mother. Can you love a fascist? That is the question we are asking ourselves.

Hear Varvara Ilina and other Russian exiles tell more in the clip.
