One of the greatest horror sequels of all time

One of the greatest horror sequels of all time

In the mid ’90s, Wes Craven broke up with Scream! the Horror subgenre of slasher film ironic to revolutionize it at the same time. For the first time, the characters knew the rules of the horror game themselves, which still didn’t save most from being killed by the iconic Ghostface.

Tonight, sixx is broadcasting Scream 2, a worthy continuation of the horror milestone. It’s them again playful meta-ideaswhich sets Craven’s film apart from the predictable genre crowd.

Scream 2 is again a terrific mix of gripping horror and intelligent humor

After the traumatic events of Part 1, Sidney (Neve Campbell) has moved away from Woodsboro. But her past won’t let her go, because suddenly new murder victims appear in her environment and she becomes again terrorized by the familiar voice over the phone. Together with Dewey (David Arquette) and Gale (Courteney Cox) she wants to bring down the new Ghostface killer.

Check out Yves’ video ranking of the complete Scream series here:

From rubbish to masterpiece – I rank all SCREAM films

As usual, Scream 2 also offers many references to horror film history. Since the film is a sequel, he also repeatedly makes the sequel principle an issue himself.

In addition to such successful ideas, Scream 2 also scores again as a classic horror with violent scenes of suspense. The highlight of the sequel is a scene where between Gale and Ghostface a Chase in a recording studio flares up.

The fifth part of the horror series was released in 2022. The one simply titled Scream Mixture of sequel and reboot ruthlessly and entertainingly settles accounts with the film industry and toxic fans.

Scream 2 airs today at 10:30 p.m. on sixx.

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