What if sustainable development was not limited to our plates?

Sustainable development is not just on our plates

If I tell you sustainable development. Or sustainable consumption. What will probably come straight to your mind is the latest pair of sneakers your teen has been asking for. Made in Asia, by children sometimes younger than yours. Or maybe those cosmetics, stuffed with synthetic dyes and fragrances. Or these over-packaged cookies, made from palm oil. But we too often forget that we consume much more than products. And that all the services at our disposal can also be assessed according to sustainable development criteria.

This is precisely what a new campaign recently posted on the EDF Pulse & You co-ideation platform. Countryside Rating Products Brands invites you to share your own criteria. Those who make your daily life more sustainable. Those that demonstrate your commitment to the environment and the future of our society.

Many everyday consumer products are put on the grill. Composition, packaging, transport, recycling. The evaluation criteria are diverse. But few venture off the beaten track. However, sustainable development is a concept that today extends to all areas of life. Sports, for example. The French National Olympic and Sports Committee has thus defined some criteria for claiming the label. “Sustainable development, sport is committed”, some of which are mandatory. For example, make facilities accessible to everyone and in a natural environment, ensure that these facilities respect the environment. Propose an eco-responsible food offer and fight against food waste. Fight against doping, violence and discrimination in sport. Or, leave a positive and lasting legacy for territories and populations.

Up to you :

  1. Present a product that you consume,
  2. Describe it
  3. Rate it!
  4. Try to win gifts : Iphone 13, electric bike, dream act gift card!

Sustainable, everyday leisure

More broadly, different labels coexist in the events sector. The France Congrès Quality and Sustainable Development charter, for example. Its objective is to encourage convention centers to commit to quality and sustainable development processes. By working on supporting their clients. By reducing their energy consumption and raw materials and natural resources. Water and paper in particular. Or by encouraging soft modes of travel.

Tourism is no exception. The Blue Flag label is one of those that certifies not only the quality of bathing water, but also actions in favor of sustainable development implemented on the coasts. It implies the existence of information relating to the natural sites to be respected and the species to be protected, the installation of garbage cans on the beach with sorting instructions, the implementation of measures to save water resources or even the existence of at least one beach equipped to accommodate people with reduced mobility.

Back from the beach, why not fall for an eco-responsible aperitif? A moment of sharing which today can perfectly fit into the spirit of sustainable development. More and more new, healthier and more environmentally friendly recipes are coming onto the market. Less palm oil, fewer additives, fewer contaminants. And a priority given to products of French origin. Or at least European. All made taking care of energy and water consumption, in particular. Then sold in recyclable packaging.

And when it comes to getting back to the harsh reality of daily life, know that schools are also committed to sustainable development (E3D) approaches. With first in mind, the idea of ​​making young people aware of the problem. And then, to provide concrete solutions to meet the objectives of sustainable development. Some work more specifically on the theme of biodiversity. Through workshops, visits or educational projects, they learn to know and protect it.

This may have given you some ideas of experiences to share on the EDF Pulse & You co-ideation platform. Do not hesitate, because there are many others still in your daily life. Your bank, your favorite restaurant, your company…

Subject produced in partnership with EDF teams

What you must remember

  • A new co-ideation campaign called Rating Products Brands is online on the EDF Pulse & You platform.
  • The idea: rate the products you consume according to your sustainable development criteria.
  • You have until August 12 to join those who have already spoken on this subject.
  • The key for the most active Pulsers, gifts to encourage you to continue your sustainable development approach.

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