Mohamed El Assy: “There will be no revolution in the squad”

There is no stopping Sadiq

Accustomed to the strict protocol in which professional football lives in recent years, the ‘canutazo’ offered by the general director and right-hand man of the sheikh, Mohamed El Assy, at the exit of the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Sea after the floral offering made by the rojiblanco team. The Egyptian, who does not finish throwing himself into Spanish despite spending three years in Spain, reviewed the translation by Joao Gonçalves, who is increasingly seen in public events. “Three years ago I said that in three years we would be in the First Division. This season I also said that it was going to be the shirt for promotion and that it would not take more than 82 points to go up. I have succeeded in the three things”, commented El Assy between laughs.

“Turki has realized that this new generation is more engaged with the team, much more than the previous one. It is good news for both the club and the city. There were many children in the Stadium on the street on the day of the parade. The same thing did not happen in the previous ascent. And in the future there will be even more Almería shirts, there will be neither Real Madrid nor Barcelona.”, continued the director general of the UDA, aware of the new environment in Almeria, with a more mature hobby. Questioned about whether these young people will have a discount on the season ticket, the Egyptian summoned them to enlist in a club. “The only special condition will be for the supporters clubs. That will be the opportunity for the youngsters to obtain that discount,” he replied.

Also in reference to subscriptions, he assured that there will not be an exponential rise, as happened in the summer of 2007 (in 2013 the prices that were in Second were maintained). “We have not yet defined the prices, but I can guarantee that the mistakes of the past will not exist, when the increase in manure was multiplied by four. For Turki the most important thing is the fans”, said El Assy, who acknowledged that the preseason is not over yet, clarifying Joao Gonçalves that it will start on July 8. “We are very happy to have Sadiq. If there is not an offer that interests us a lot, he will continue with us”, asserted about the star of the project, hinting that Babic and Ely will continue. “That is for Joao. I prefer that the club’s media announce this news first hand,” he said about it.

“There will be no revolution in the template. No player will be more than the whole. Is Darwin a star or not? Is Sadiq a star or not? Is Ramazani a star or not? Is Samu Costa a star or not?”, he stated forcefully, acknowledging that he was moved last Tuesday. “Of these days I mainly stay with Tuesday, on the bus and in the celebrations at the Stadium. The whole day, from the beginning to the end, was very emotional. I’m not a very sentimental person, but that day it touched my heart,” said the sheikh’s right-hand man.
