Macron: Historical mistake by Putin

Macron Historical mistake by Putin

French President Emmanuel Macron says that Russian President Vladimir Putin made a “historic and fundamental mistake” when he invaded Ukraine and he states that Putin is now “isolated”.

– I believe, and I have told him, that he has made a historical and fundamental mistake towards his people, towards himself and towards history, he says in an interview on Friday with regional media in France.

– I think he has isolated himself. Isolating oneself is one thing, but getting out of it (isolation) is very difficult.

At the same time, the French president reiterates his position that Russia should not be “humiliated. . . since the day the fighting ends, we will be able to move forward with diplomacy ”.

Regarding a possible visit by the French president to the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, Macron replies that he “does not rule it out”.
