Biden called the US Congress saying ‘enough is enough’

Biden called the US Congress saying enough is enough

US President Joe Biden made a call to Congress after the back-to-back shootings in the country in recent days. “We can’t just do nothing this time. We really have to do something. Enough is enough.” said Biden, “We should ban semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines. If it is not possible to ban them, we should increase the purchase age for these guns to 21.” used the phrases.


US President Joe Biden made statements at the White House regarding the recent increase in gun violence in the country. In the hall where Biden spoke, candles were planted to commemorate the victims of armed violence, representing the country’s 50 states, 5 territories and the capital, Washington DC.

Emphasizing that nothing was done after the previous school attacks and other armed attacks, Biden said, “This time we can’t just do nothing. We really have to do something. Enough is enough.” used the phrase.


Biden stated that they do not ignore anyone’s right to own a gun in the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution by calling for the ban on semi-automatic weapons in the country. is to protect our right to go without fear of being shot.” said.

Pointing out that the number of children who died as a result of armed attacks in the country in the last 20 years is more than the number of soldiers and policemen who died while on duty, Biden said, “For God’s sake, how much more destruction will we accept? How many more innocent Americans will die before we say anything?” he said.

Biden also called on Congress on gun regulations, saying, “We should ban semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines. If it is not possible to ban them, we should increase the purchase age for these guns to 21.” he called.

Noting that gun owners should also be held responsible for protecting their guns, Biden demanded that the background check should also be tightened in gun sales.


“For God’s sake, why can an ordinary citizen buy an automatic weapon that can hold 30 magazines. The damage in Uvalde was so great that parents had to identify their children from DNA. These children were 9-10 years old.” said.

Source: AA
