BF Group sells another stake in Bonifiche Ferraresi to LEB (Loacker)

Coldiretti one in ten companies at risk of cracking

(Finance) – BF announces that it has signed a contract for the sale of a stake equal to 0.625% of the subsidiary’s share capital Ferrara reclamations in LEB for a corresponding of 2.5 million about euro, which allows you to generate a capital gain of 0.8 million of Euro.

The Transaction is part of a larger one cooperation long-term between BF Group and the Loacker Group which includes the development of an industrial and commercial project focused on cultivation of hazelnutsby the former, intended for the production of the renowned Wafers and Loacker confectionery specialties. In fact, the subsidiary is still today BF Agricola and A. Loacker they have
signed a contract for cultivation and sale of high quality hazelnuts on an area of ​​about 400 hectares.

The Operation is completed in implementation of the enhancement plan of the subsidiary Bonifiche Ferraresi, through the entry into the share capital of one or more partners with minority stakes, as happened with the previous operations for the sale of shares: 2.5% in favor of Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Foundation1.25% in favor of Equiter – Investments for the Territory1% in favor of Defendini Logistics and 5% in favor of Eni. All subjects interested in sharing the development of the BF Group in the agritech & food sector and, more generally, in consolidating and strengthening the BF Group network in the Italian agri-food chain, initiatives in which BF intends to invest the proceeds deriving from this enhancement.

In the Transaction, BF was assisted by BonelliErede, Equita SIM SpA and by Dr. Ruggero Mazza. LEB was assisted by the SLT – Strategy Legal Tax – in the people of senior professionals dr. Claudio Ceradini and the lawyer Domenico Brancaccio
