what role during the Jubilee? His relationship with Harry spied on

what role during the Jubilee His relationship with Harry spied

PRINCE WILLIAM. Prince William, eldest son of Diana and Charles, is called one day to reign. But what is his place in the order of succession and his role when tensions have arisen in recent years with his brother Harry?

The great festivities celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of the Queen of England began this Thursday, June 2, 2022. Alongside the Queen and Prince Charles, her father, Prince William is in the spotlight as a member of the royal family. restraint. At the age of 39, Prince William and future King of England is second in the order of succession after Prince Charles. He will be very involved in the festivities over the next four days. Prince William paraded on Thursday morning on horseback in “Trooping the colour”, a traditional military parade launching the celebration of the jubilee. Alongside the princess anne, daughter of the Queen, and her father Charles, he led a procession of 1,400 soldiers in parade dress. Prince William and Kate Middleton then appeared on the Buckingham balcony alongside their three children, George, Charlotte and Louis. Placed to the left of the Queen of England, they ensure continuity while paying homage to the sovereign.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is a historic moment for Britain, sparking fervor and a sense of unity across the Channel. But this event is also an opportunity for William and Harry, son of Lady Diana and Prince Charles, to get closer, or at least to publicly ease the tensions between them. Relations between Prince William and Harry have indeed been at their lowest for 2 years, since Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle decided to distance themselves from the royal family. The latter were not invited this day to the traditional salute of the crowd on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Short Biography of Prince William– Born on June 21, 1982 at St-Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, London, Prince William is the son of Lady Diana Spencer and Charles, Prince of Wales and heir to the British crown. At birth, he takes the place of the second in the line of succession to the British throne. He joined Eton College where he studied geography, biology and art history. Once graduated, he took a sabbatical year and then joined the University of St-Andrews in Scotland. William meets there Catherine Middleton, said Kate. They dated from 2002. After graduating with a master’s degree in geography, he joined the army and joined the prestigious Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst in January 2006. He became a lieutenant and then a pilot in the Royal Air Force. From the age of 20, he assumed his first royal duties and made visits abroad, mainly to Commonwealth states. Since 2009, he has increasingly taken part in an increasing number of royal ceremonies and duties. After spending years together, William and Kate Middleton got engaged in October in Kenya. Their wedding is celebrated on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey before the eyes of two billion viewers around the world. On this occasion, the Queen grants them the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. In September 2013, Prince William left the armed forces to devote himself fully to his official activities. Their Royal Highnesses William and Kate are the parents of Prince George, born July 22, 2013, Charlotte (2015) and young Louis (2018). In April 2020, Prince William tested positive for Covid-19 and recovered quickly. On the occasion of Platinum Jubilee of the Queen of England From June 2 to 5, 2022, Prince William and Kate Middleton take part in the festivities paying tribute to the sovereign alongside the British people.

Young Prince William, son of Lady Diana and Prince Charles

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Princess Diana and her sons, William and Harry at Thorpe Park, English amusement park (1993) © SIPA (published on 02/06/2022)

Prince William was born on June 21, 1982 at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington in London. He is the son of Lady Diana Spencer and Charles, Prince of Wales and heir to the British crown. He is also the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His mother broke with tradition and gave birth to the future king of England in a public hospital. Alongside his younger brother Harry, he was made aware by his mother of the problems of certain segments of the British population. In particular, they visit specialist clinics for people affected by the AIDS virus and shelters for the homeless. Her upbringing is more open than that of Charles insofar as Diana strives to carry out “normal” activities with her sons, such as going to fast food, to an amusement park or playing video games.

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Young Prince William accompanied by his brother Harry at their father Charles’ civil wedding in 2005 © Dave Caulkin/AP/SIPA (published 02/06/2022)

He joined Eton College where he studied geography, biology and art history. His parents officially divorced in 1996, although they separated in 1992, after years of disagreement and media pressure. His mother, Princess Diana, tragically died on August 31, 1997 in a car accident in Paris. Once graduated, he took a sabbatical year and then joined the University of St-Andrews in Scotland. William meets there Kate Middleton and with whom he lives in shared accommodation. With a master’s degree in geography, he enlisted in the army and joined the prestigious Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst in January 2006. He became a lieutenant then pilot in the Royal Air Force. From an early age, Prince William assumed his royal duties and made visits abroad, particularly to Commonwealth states.

The relationship between Prince William and Kate Middleton

prince william kate middleton
Prince William and Kate Middleton on their wedding day, waving to the crowd on the balcony of Buckingham Palace © NIVIERE/VILLARD/SIPA

Kate Middleton and the William have been dating since 2002, when they both live together with three other friends. The young woman is daughter of rich entrepreneurs and studies art history. Their relationship became known to the tabloids as early as 2003. They lived together until the end of their respective studies in 2006. In the mid-2000s, she was harassed by the British media, which speculated that she was still not engaged to Prince William. In 2007, Kate and William separated a few months before getting back together. The couple got engaged in October 2010, during a private vacation in Kenya, after obtaining permission from Queen Elizabeth II and Catherine Middleton’s father. Their engagement was officially announced on November 16, 2010, at Clarence House. Kate therefore wears the Diana’s engagement ring. They married on April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey. On D-Day, they are cheered by millions on the streets of London and watched by more than 2 billion viewers worldwide. They receive from the Queen on this occasion the titles of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. On July 22, 2013, Kate Middleton gives birth to Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge, third in line to the British throne. Their union also gives birth to Princess Charlotte, born on May 2, 2015, and young Prince Louis, who was born on April 23, 2018.
