Events and deadlines of June 2, 2022

Events and deadlines of March 22 2022

(Finance) –
Monday 30/05/2022
EU Green Week 2022 – Annual event focused on European environmental policy (until Sunday 05/06/2022)

Thursday 02/06/2022
Council of the EU – Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council
XVII edition of the Economy Festival – Trento – During the event, organized by Trentino and the 24 ORE Group, there will be meetings and events in which opinion leaders of national and international importance and prominent personalities among scientists and researchers, representatives of society will take part civil society and institutions, economists, entrepreneurs, managers and representatives of the most important academic realities in Italy and in the world (until Sunday 05/06/2022)
Council of the EU – General Affairs Council – EU ministers responsible for cohesion policy are invited to endorse draft Council conclusions on the Commission communication on the eighth cohesion report: cohesion in Europe ahead of 2050
European Parliament – Meetings of the Commissions of the European Parliament
OPEC – 29th OPEC Plus Summit in videoconference
Italy – After hours market closure of the Milan Stock Exchange (until Friday 03/06/2022)
United Kingdom – London Stock Exchange closed for public holidays (until Friday 03/06/2022)
Government bonds:
Treasure – Medium-long settlement
Tinexta – Appointment: Analyst presentation
