Why does cancer occur in the body? What should be considered? Who are at risk?

Why does cancer occur in the body What should be

The rapid growth of the cell, gene mutation can cause the cell to grow and divide faster than normal. In this case, many new cells with the same mutation will be formed.

Inability to stop uncontrolled cell growth. Healthy cells know how much to grow and when to stop growing. Tumor suppressor genes provide this. In this way, our body has the right size and right number of cells from every cell type. Gene damage will upset this balance.

The problem of repairing DNA errors. DNA repair genes find and fix errors in a cell’s DNA. A mutation in a DNA repair gene can mean that errors cannot be corrected and cause cells to become cancerous.

These mutations are the most common. However, many other gene mutations can cause cancerous cells to form. General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Çetin Altunal gave information about the subject.


Gene mutations can occur for a variety of reasons, such as:

Familial inherited gene mutations: You may be born with a genetic mutation that you inherited from your parents. This type of mutation accounts for a small fraction of cancers.

Subsequent gene mutations: Most gene mutations occur after you are born and are not inherited. Factors such as smoking, radiation, viruses, some chemicals (carcinogens), obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation and lack of exercise can cause gene mutations.

Gene mutations occur frequently during normal cell growth. However, cells contain genes that recognize when an error occurs and repair the error. Sometimes an error is overlooked. This can cause a cell to become cancerous.


The gene mutations you are born with and the faulty genes you acquire throughout your life lead to the formation of cancer.


Having a mutation that can lead to cancer in your family does not necessarily mean that you will get cancer. You may need more gene mutations for cancer to occur. In some inherited mutations, you may become more sensitive to carcinogenic substances that can cause cancer.

It is not clear how many mutated genes are required for cancer to occur. Depending on the cancer types, the types and amount of mutations are likely to vary.
