CBD does not impair driving or cognitive abilities

CBD does not impair driving or cognitive abilities

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  • Published 7 hours ago,

    Reading 1 min.

    Faced with the explosion of shops offering CBD-based products, a question arises: are CBD and driving compatible? A recent Australian study is reassuring: its consumption would have no effect on the ability to drive.

    Few studies on the effects of CBD on alertness

    While the effects of CBD are still relatively unknown, a new Australian study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology comes to reassure as for its use. Consuming CBD, a component of cannabis, does not impair consumers’ cognitive abilities or their ability to drive. According to the study, even at the highest medicinal dose, which is 1500 mg, CBD does not cause any impairment.

    “Although CBD is generally considered ‘non-intoxicating’, its effects on sensitive safety-related activities are still being analyzed”said in a statement lead author, Dr. Danielle McCartney. “Our study is the first to confirm that, when consumed alone, CBD is safe for drivers.”

    Consult a GP online

    A study conducted on 17 participants

    To reach this conclusion, the Australian researchers studied data from 17 participants. They were asked to drive having taken a placebo for some, for others having consumed 15, 300 or 1500 mg of CBD oil. These amounts represent frequently consumed dosages: up to 150 mg/day without a prescription and up to 1500 mg/day for conditions such as epilepsy, pain, sleep disorders and anxiety.

    Several aspects have been evaluated by scientists. First, the skill of maintaining a distance between them and the vehicle in front of them. Then, the manner of driving on the highway or in rural areas was assessed by looking at their ability to control the car. These exercises were repeated several times, varying the times when the treatment was taken.

    If the results of the study were reassuring, the researchers remain cautious about taking CBD: “We caution, however, that this study only looked at CBD in isolation and that drivers taking CBD with other medications should do so with caution.”said Dr. McCartney.
