Awakening: Coalition continues to strengthen Few people work anymore without a degree

Awakening Coalition continues to strengthen Few people work anymore without

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

The Coalition Party came close to record numbers – support for the city center waned

As many as 25.9 per cent of those who responded to ‘s support would now vote for the Coalition Party. The SDP garnered almost 19 per cent support, the Basic Finns just under 15 per cent and the center about 12 per cent. The Greens overtook the Left Alliance. Support for more than nine per cent was measured for the Greens and exactly eight per cent for the Left Alliance.

Fewer and fewer jobs are available without training

The number of people working without a degree has been falling for a long time, says the Development Manager of the Jotpa Center for Continuing Learning and Employment Samuli Leveälahti. The number of employees under the age of 50 dependent on primary education or upper secondary school decreased by almost a third between 2000 and 2017. The number of those who attended only basic vocational training also decreased by a fifth. See which areas have the most uneducated.

A record amount of natural gas from the US to Europe

Europe is increasingly looking for US natural gas, and many countries are planning new ports of import. However, increasing exports from the United States to Europe is not straightforward, says local gas giant Cheniere Anatol Feygin in an interview.

Queen Elizabeth’s Parade live

The Queen will be held in London today Elizabeth a traditional “Trooping the Color” military parade to be held on its official birthday. The parade celebrates the 70th anniversary of the reign of the 96-year-old queen. will broadcast a special broadcast of the event at 12.30-15 in the Arena and on TV1. The shipment is explained Marjukka Havumäki and the commentator is a former British ambassador Pekka Huhtaniemi. The arena broadcast can be viewed here.

The rains are spreading north

The rainy area above southern Finland moves north during the morning. In the southern and central parts of the country, rainfall is in places up to 20 millimeters. In the south, the wind is getting stronger and there is a gust of afternoon. In the northern part of the country, the weather is mostly sunny, sunny and quite warm.
