Great Britain: The Queen is celebrated after 70 years in power

Great Britain The Queen is celebrated after 70 years in

The 96-year-old queen, who was absent from several engagements for health reasons during the spring, has rested in Scotland before the celebration, but is now in London. The celebration begins on Thursday morning and includes a lot of pomp and circumstance with parades and air shows. 22,000 people are invited to a birthday banquet on Saturday. 100,000 tickets have been raffled off for a concert outside Buckingham Palace, where Ed Sheeran will sing the national anthem and The Queen will perform a newly written tribute song. A new emoji has been created to pay tribute to the queen in the form of a corgie dog.

Most Brits has been given two extra vacation days due to the anniversary and British media reports directly about the festivities. It is important for the queen to have the family together, and according to the BBC, Prince Harry and Meghan have promised to “keep a low profile” so as not to overshadow the anniversary. Nor will Prince Andrew, who has withdrawn after allegations of sexual assault, be seen in public.

Lots of people are expected to come to London this weekend, but it will also be celebrated in cities and villages with specially prepared dishes and pastries. To the more odd elements hear a life-size cake of the queen, baked by a social media profile, writes Sky News. The pastry contains 400 eggs, 20 kilos of sugar and the same amount of butter.

In Cheshire has 40 women immortalized the queen as a knitting and there is also a Lego model of the queen and large parts of the royal family in life size.

Sky News also publishes a list of jokes and gory comments which the Queen delivered. She got a lot of attention when she was to be photographed with the leaders of the G7 countries a few years ago and asked the question “Should you look like you are having a good time”.

Facts. Head of state for 16 countries

Queen Elizabeth was born on April 21, 1926. She became queen when her father King George died in 1952, she was crowned the following year.

Elizabeth II is the head of state for 16 independent states and their possessions. Today, power over the Commonwealth is only symbolic, but when she took office, the British Empire was still a reality.

She is now the regent who has sat at the far end of the throne; a few years longer than Queen Victoria who ruled between 1837 and 1901.

She was married to Prince Philip from 1947 until his death last year. The couple has four children: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and heir to the throne, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Princess Anne, Princess Royal, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex.

Source: Reuters, BBC, DN

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