Season 4 star made Millie Bobby Brown cry and berates other stars

Season 4 star made Millie Bobby Brown cry and berates

Warning, spoilers for the end of Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1: Season 4 of Stranger Things introduces possibly the Netflix series’ worst villain, Vecna ​​(Jamie Campbell Bower). Its actor put a lot of energy into his role and insulted his co-stars. The result was so terrifying that it made Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven) cry.

Season 4 villain Vecna ​​spreads fear on the Stranger Things set

Bower revealed this in an interview with IGN.

[Um in die Rolle zu finden,] I said before [der Szene] quietly some pretty nasty things about my co-workers. […] When Millie Bobby Brown saw me rehearsing she started to cry.

Bower’s interviews make clear his effort for the role. According to Variety, he is “Walked the streets of Atlanta at 2am talking to myself“. He’s almost a bit reminiscent of Joker actor Jared Leto. The effort may be justified, after all, it’s a one of the greatest Stranger Things villains.

Beware, spoilers for the villain Vecna.

Because Vecna ​​shares a past with Millie Bobby Brown’s character Eleven, which makes Bower’s character a particularly terrifying villain. She has some very different sides, is flatteringly manipulative, but also infinitely hateful. For this complexity, it might be worth talking to yourself one or two times.

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What do you think of Vecna?
