CrowdFundMe, success for Biovalley minibond: 1.7 million raised

CrowdFundMe success for Biovalley minibond 17 million raised

(Finance) – CrowdFundMeCrowdinvesting platform listed on Euronext Growth Milan, announced that it has successfully placed the Biovalley Investments Partner (BIP) minibond, an integrated industrial group founded in 2016 and specialized in investments in the bio high tech sector. Finint Investments SGR acted as anchor investor in the transaction. Thanks to this operation they were collected € 1.7 million from 14 investors, both professional and qualified retail. In particular, € 1.5 million was subscribed by the PMI Italia II private debt fund managed by Finint Investments SGR.

Biovalley Investments Partner is an integrated industrial group with 13 subsidiaries and investee companies operating in the biotech sector, or in the life sciences and healthcare markets. In 2021 it recorded revenues of € 8.2 million (+ 8% compared to 2020) and an EBITDA up 6% compared to the previous year. The resources of the minibond will be used for the completion of the Pharmaceutical Workshop by the subsidiary Serichim and for the purchase of a significant minority stake in a company specializing in the supply and development of ICT systems (communication technologies) and software solutions for private healthcare.

The Biovalley minibond offers a annual yield of 5.5% and presents an “amortizing & callable” repayment plan (interest will be paid with a half-yearly deferred coupon) for a total duration of the operation equal to 67 months. It is a Senior Securable bond, with a rating equal to B1, established by the rating agency Modefinance. In addition to CrowdFundMe, ADVANT Nctm (legal advisor to the issuer), Simmons & Simmons (legal advisor to the anchor investor) and Banca Finint (Paying and Issuing agent) acted as part of the transaction.
