Nooralotta Nezir has no violation of the value competition limits for the summer European Championships and World Championships. The training of the Finnish pier has been hampered by a heel injury.
Quick-help Nooralotta Nezir tormented by a nasty heel injury that, at worst, prevents running, even walking.
Neziri, 29, withdrew last week from the final of the Lahti GP 100m fences due to pain. The athlete says it is a chronic inflammation of the heel mucus.
Nezir has had the same ailment on the other leg before.
– The pain started already in the autumn, but I got it under control for the reign. It started bothering again in late spring, Neziri tells Sport for a phone call.
Neziri has run into the 100-meter fences in the early season with 13.23 pains. Aituri’s record of 12.81 is for 2016.
Neziri says the pain especially affects entering the fence.
– I can’t put that foot on the fence properly. Pain is significantly affected. I have now rested my legs and seen a doctor. It feels better, but I want to move on little by little.
Neziri will not be on the line on Wednesday 1 June in Tampere at the GP. Also a fast-paced Annimari Kortteen had to run the race, but he also misses the race.
“I try not to think too much about the situation”
Nezir is in a hurry for the World Cup and European Championships this summer. The World Championships are in the United States in July, and the European Championships in August in Germany.
Nezir has no profit limits made. The limit for the European Championships is 12.93. You can enter the competition without breaking the limit through the rankings.
Nezir’s goal is to get back on the track as early as next week at the Espoo GP.
– I have to admit that the situation is not good when you start the season and there are severe pains. I believe and hope that the treatments will help. I have experience that this kind of trouble has been brought under control. I try not to think too much about the situation.
Neziri says the spring camp went well and is in good condition.
– The first race of the season 150 meters went well (17.61). Leg pain makes you feel miserable.
The fast-tracker changed coach last fall. Petteri Jouste switched to Austrian Philipp Unfriediin.
– Philip’s style has been such that no investment is made in the first races of the summer. The goal is to be able to improve time over the course of the season. Usually I’ve had tough times at the beginning of the summer and I haven’t been able to improve as the season progresses.
Neziri is aware of the stalemate: there are no breaking limits to the value races and you should be able to compete, even if you have a foot problem in the background.
Neziri underscores that he is not going to race his leg sore.
– If the foot is not painless, things need to be looked at again. There are valuable races in sight, but I can only think about them when my foot is healthy.