Competition bill, green light in the Senate

Competition bill green light in the Senate

(Finance) – With 180 votes in favor, 26 against and 1 abstentiongreen light in the Senate at the competition bill which implements the commitments of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The provision now passes to the examination of the Chamber which has been reserved for some topics in particular: among these taxis and Ncc, tlc and ultra-broadband networks, checks and simplifications for businesses, Rcauto. A third reading of the Senate will therefore be needed where the executive plans to close the game by mid-July.

The ok comes after weeks of tug-of-war in the Industry Committee, in particular by Lega and Fi on state-owned concessions. A close confrontation that only eased after Prime Minister Mario Draghi imposed a ‘either-or’ to the political forces of its majority in the name of one of the key reforms of the Recovery and Resilience Plan. According to the time schedule that the executive has given itself, the delegation, transmitted by the government to Palazzo Madama last December, must close in the first half of July in order to allow the approval of the implementing decrees by the end of the year, respecting the expiry of the PNRR. .

The senators concentrated their examination on twenty articles and in the Industry Committee a provision of the original text concerning the new procedures for the appointment of the members of the Authority was canceled. On the seaside resorts, on the other hand, the executive will deal with the ‘knot’ on how to calculate the indemnitiesi for outgoing dealers, through delegated decrees.
