Bac philo: subjects in North America, date, oral

Bac philo subjects in North America date oral

In France, the philosophy baccalaureate takes place this Thursday, June 15, 2022. But the philosophy baccalaureate was held this May 24 in North America. The topics were about consciousness and nature and an excerpt from Montaigne’s Essays.

Bac philo 2022: what are the dates?

In France, the philosophy tests take place on Wednesday June 15, 2022 for all high school students, whether general or technological baccalaureate.

Bac philo 2022: which subjects in North America?

On May 24, high school students studying in North America, such as Washington, for example, took the philosophy test. They had the choice between these 3 subjects:

  • Subject 1: Is conscience an obstacle to happiness?
  • Subject 2: Does the technique make it possible to no longer be afraid of nature?
  • Subject 3: They had to explain the following text, namely chapter 12 of book 2 of the book Les Essais de Montaigne. “But what is it that really is? What is eternal, that is, what never had a birth, nor will ever have an end, and to which time does not bring never any mutation. For it is a mobile thing that time, and which appears as if in shadow, with flowing and fluent matter always, without ever remaining stable or permanent, to which belong these words “before” and “after”, and “has been” or “will be”. being, or which has already ceased to be. And as for these words of “present”, of “instant”, of “now” by which it seems that we mainly support and found the intelligence of time, as soon as reason discovers it, it destroys it all on the spot, because it splits it incontinent1 and divides it into future and past, as if wanting to see it necessarily divided2 into two . As much happens to nature which is measured as to time which measures it, for neither is there anything in it which remains, nor which is subsisting, but all things are there either born, or nascent, or dying. .

Written test of the bac philo: on what is the student assessed?

How is the oral test of the Philo baccalaureate going?

The test consists of a text explanation presented by the candidate, followed by an interview with the examiner. The chosen text is part of the philosophical works studied in class during the year. The high school student has 20 minutes to prepare your text explanationthen presents his or her presentation to the examiner for 10 minutes, with a 10-minute interview to complete and develop the initial explanation.

What were the subjects of the philosophy baccalaureate in 2021?

Last year, students in the general and technological baccalaureate had the choice of 3 essay topics and an explanation of text.

Bac Philo general series


  • Topic 1: Is discussing renouncing violence?
  • Subject 2: Does the unconscious escape any form of knowledge?
  • Topic 3: Are we responsible for the future?

Text explanation: Emile Durkheim – On the division of social labor (1893)

This is to explain the following text: “Each people has its own morale which is determined by the conditions in which it lives. One cannot therefore instill in it another, however high it may be, without disorganizing it, and such disturbances cannot but be painfully felt by individuals. But the morality of each society…”

Bac Philo Techno series


  • Topic 1: Is it always wrong to disobey the law?
  • Subject 2: To know is to believe nothing?
  • Topic 3: Does technology free us from nature?

Text explanation

It is a question of explaining the following text: Text of FREUD, the poet and the activity of fantasy (1907) – “If only we could discover in ourselves or in our fellows an activity related in one way or another to what the poet does!…
