Here, Zlatan shows the unimaginable horror routine – which he has been forced to do every single week

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Zlatan Ibrahimovic played with a really broken knee all spring.
Now he shows the horror routine.
And it’s nothing for the sensitive…

During the spring, many have been surprised at how little football Zlatan Ibrahimovic really played. It has been no secret that he had problems with his knee, but no one could imagine exactly how bad it really was. Only after Milan won Serie A did the truth come out.

Now showing the damage

It turned out that Ibrahimovic during the senate half played completely without a front cruciate ligament in his left knee. At the same time, he announced that his knee had been swollen, that he had barely been able to train – and this led to a major operation, which will now keep him off the field for up to eight months.

220522 Zlatan Ibrahimovic of Milan celebrates after the Serie A game between Sassuolo and Milan on May 22, 2022 in Milano. Photo: IMAGE PHOTO / BILDBYRÅN

However, Ibrahimovic wanted to be a part of winning the Scudetton so much that he struggled through the pain, but he was also forced to intervene to make it all the way to the summer. Among other things, Ibrahimovic has been playing on painkillers all the time, and he has also been forced to empty his knee of fluid once a week for the past six months.

The horror routine

And now Ibrahimovic himself shows what the horror routine looked like. And if you are sensitive to needles and the like, it’s time to stop reading now. In a clip on Twitter, Ibrahimovic shares exact photos from what it looked like when his knee was emptied of fluid every single week. In the video, a long needle is inserted into the knee, and then lots of yellow fluid comes out.

Ibrahimovic himself writes that he did the procedure once a week for the past six months, and it really indicates how broken his knee really was, and above all what enormous pain he exposed himself to, all in order to help his teammates to Milan’s first league title at eleven years. As I said: Watch the clip here, but at your own risk:

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