Journey to the country of first name with Tünde Deak

Journey to the country of first name with Tunde Deak

The importance of the first name. The importance of being called Tünde in France. And the patience it takes to correct the scratched first name.

A floating identity including our guest Tünde Deakplaywright and director, makes a slightly smiling show, between documentary and fiction, entitled (go, guess) Tünde, recently premiered at the CDN’s Comédie Itinérante in Valence, France. Before this author, member of the Valence artistic ensemble, flies to the Avignon Festival for a new creation, meets ESM with a first name that multiplies identities, which will take us to Hungary, but perhaps also in Benin, Finland or Turkey, in all those countries where the first inevitable question remains… What’s your name?

The musical choices of Tünde Deak

Leopoldine HH I saw you

Chassol Two Lines
