Match of the year turns into carnage for Europe’s top team, culminating in the maximum penalty

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The best team in Europe, G2 Esports, took on what is probably the best team in the world, T1 around Superstar Faker, in League of Legends. The semi-finals of MSI 2022 had been eagerly awaited, but the series clearly went in the Koreans’ favour. Match 3 in particular was a bloodbath: T1 won in 20 minutes. That’s the maximum penalty.

What was that game?

  • On Saturday morning, May 28th, from 10 a.m. German time, G2 and T1 met in the semi-finals of the MSI 2022 in Busan for a best-of-5 series. The winner of the match can play against RNG on Sunday, who are already waiting in the final.
  • G2 Esports is the European champion. The team revolves around two seasoned veterans, midlaner Caps and jungler Jankos. The two are joined by new talent on the bot lane and German-Turkish Broken Blade on the top lane. Before the tournament, they had promised to kick T1 out of the tournament.
  • T1 is the Korean champion: In the midlane plays the “undeadable demon king” Faker, who was able to collect 3 world champion titles in the early years of League of Legends, but has been waiting for title number 4 since 2016. The new showpiece of the team is now the botlane with ADC Gumaysi and the exceptional support Keria, who was voted the best player in South Korea in 2022.
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    How did the series go? The series clearly went in T1’s favor:

    The South Koreans won Game 1 in 24 minutes, especially Faker (5-1-2) and Keria (0-1-10) once again put their stamp on the game. G2’s jungler Jankos couldn’t get his foot on the ground and played 0-5-6 on Jarvan.

    This is considered a genius play by Faker, as he escapes certain death by making Caps look rather old with the “flash the wrong way” – Caps expected Faker to traditionally jump over the wall as it should :

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    Match 2 was then reasonably balanced: The part lasted 32 minutes. Here Faker turned up the heat with LeBlanc and went 8-3-5. In addition, the T1 jungler Oner on Lee Sin proved to be a brutal factor with 3-2-11. Keria was also involved in 13 kills on Natulus.

    After the 0-2, fans of G2 were still hoping for a miracle: After all, their team is known for “crazy things”, people are now praying for a “reverse sweep” that after the close second match it will still be 3-2 for G2 will, but the opposite was true.

    Match 3 became the maximum penalty for G2: T1 won in 20 minutes and only dropped 5 deaths at all. Faker went 5-1-5 to Akali, Keria grabbed another 13 assists with Renata Glac.

    Match 3 in particular was a brutal affair:

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    Because of: “T1 is overrated”

    How is this commented? The comments on reddit make fun of the fact that anyone could even doubt T1 after a mixed rumble stage.

    People would have said after the losses: T1 was “overrated”. You could probably just forget that after the performance. Once again it shows that “Best-of-1” series have little meaning. The better team then shows itself in “best-of-5 series”.

    T1’s victory is described as a “massacre”. T1 appeared as an extremely aggressive team, even in the early stages of a match.

    For years, it was precisely this quality that the teams from South Korea lacked, who needed a long time to finish a game and with their methodical and slow playing style also gave inferior opponents the chance to come back. The 2022 edition of T1 no longer seems to have this vulnerability.

    G2 is actually known for having its chances in the mid and late game, where you win with superior teamfights and can still compensate for large deficits. But when a match only lasts 20 minutes, there simply isn’t enough distance to catch up before the lights go out.

    G2 boss calls T1 the best team in the world, maybe the best ever

    After the match, the boss of G2, Ocelote, even called the current edition of T1 “the best team in the world” – that was “completely crazy”, he doubted whether “you have ever seen such a good team”.

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    The head of G2 admits: T1 was simply a class better. That’s the best team in the world. Nevertheless, everything went great for G2.

    The MSI 2022 now seems to be showing a “LoL” like before: China and South Korea are fighting for the championship title. The fans from North America and the USA are loud and enthusiastically discussing, but their teams have nothing to do with the titles.

    A few days ago things looked very different as G2 defeated T1 and RNG in their first games, but after that the worm was in:

    LoL: Hope of Europe beats unbeatable uber teams, loses to underdogs and now it’s jinxed
